Basic Settings for Customer Order Processing

This document provides an overview of the basic definitions that must be activated before a customer order can be entered, and which parameters can be set depending on the demand.

Follow these steps

See documents listed in the See Also section for the prerequisites for the activities described here.

  1. Specifying Essential Basic Data

    Essential basic data must be specified so that a customer order can be entered and followed-up.

    • Basic Data

      In order to specify and invoice a customer order, basic data must be specified; for example currency, country and customer number series.

      In the document Basic Data for Customer Orders there is a list of programs for which essential basic data must be defined. The list reflects the minimum information necessary in order for the customer order to move through the entire customer order flow.

    • Multiple Unit Coordination

      In order for the installation to work for multiple unit coordination, special parameters must be set for companies and divisions.

    • Customer Order Types

      At least one customer order type must be specified in order for a customer order to be specified. A customer order type is an identity for a number of settings that control how a customer order should be processed during entry and further through the customer order flow.

      The customer order type that is used for customer order entry determines how the order will be processed, for example what checks will be made and which parts will be processed automatically.

      Different customer order types should be defined to suit different types of customers and sales situations, so that the customer order is processed according to the company's requirements.

    • Standard documents

      In order to print the correct documents, a standard document must be defined. Examples of standard document are order confirmation and invoice.

      To administrate standard documents, document groups are defined and then linked to customer and customer order types.

      Texts to be printed on customer order documents are entered in 'Document Text. Open' (OIS035).

  2. Specifying Main Functions

    The following functions are not essential for specifying and following up on a customer order. They can be considered as main functions that are normally used.

    • Assortment

      An assortment is a defined item (and variants of the item). Assortment is used to control which buyers have access to the items included in an assortment.

      An assortment and the items included in it are specified in 'Assortment. Connect Items' (OIS072). An assortment is linked to a customer in 'Customer. Connect Assortment' (OIS071).

    • Sales Prices

      In order to make automatic pricing work when specifying customer order lines, price lists are specified. A sales price list contains sales prices for specified items. More than one parallel price list can be used.

      To calculate sales prices in a price list, costing models are used. These costing models describe how prices are to be calculated via markups or deductions. New price lists are created based on specified costing models and old price lists.

    • Charges

      Basic order charges and order line charges are specified and then later allocated automatically or specified manually.

      Order charges are specified in 'CO Charge. Open' (OIS030). To automatically allocate an order charge, it must be connected to a customer order type in 'CO Type. Connect Order Charges' (OIS013) or a customer in 'Customer. Connect Charge' (OIS003), that is accessed through 'Customer. Open' (CRS610).

      Order line charges are specified in 'Order Line Charge. Open' (CRS275). To automatically allocate an order line charge, it first must be connected to a charge model in 'Order Line Charge Model. Connect Charges' (CRS279) and then the charge model must be connected to a customer in 'Customer. Open' (CRS610/F).

    • Discount Models

      Discount models are specified to enable automatic discounting of customer order lines. Different discounts within the discount model are entered as discount numbers, which define the prerequisites for a customer order line to qualify for a discount.

      In the discount model, you can also specify how a discount should be calculated for a customer order line if more than one discount is applicable.

      Note: At least one discount model must be entered in order for it to be possible to specify discounts manually during order line entry.
  3. Specifying Additional Functions

    The following functions are not essential to specifying and following up on a customer order. They can be used depending on the company's basic policy or in which branch the company is operating.

    • Bonus

      If bonus or commission is to be used, at least one bonus or commission agreement (b/c agreement) must be specified in 'Bonus/Comm Agreement. Open' (OIS412).

      A bonus/commission agreement (b/c agreement) controls the conditions for the bonus and commission calculations and payment method for one recipient or more.

    • Business Chains

      Customers in a business relationship can be structured hierarchically by being connected in a business chain.

      Customer administration can be simplified by connecting prices, agreements etc., to a business chain.

      A business chain is specified in 'Business Chain. Open' (OIS038).

    • Kit Structure

      If several separate items are included in one item, they are connected in a kit item. A kit item is specified in 'Product Structure. Open' (PDS001).

    • Standing customer orders

      Standing customer orders are predefined customer orders. The order is filled at regular intervals, according to a prearranged agreement.

    • Blanket Agreement

      If a blanket agreement has been arranged with a customer, it is specified in 'Cust Blanket Agreement. Open' (OIS060).

    • Contact Planning

      Contact plans are often necessary if customers are regularly contacted with order inquiries. With contact plans customers can be contacted in a planned and regular manner.