Rounding Off

Prices or other amounts can be rounded off automatically. This is regulated by both a rounding-off rule and a rounding-off table. The rounding-off rule determines whether the number is rounded upwards, downwards or to the nearest multiple. The rounding-off table defines how the number is rounded off within different ranges.

The rounding-off table contains the range limits and the rounding-off target. The limit specifies the applicable range and the target specifies the rounded amount.

These rules, limits and targets are user-defined and can be different for every currency and amount. They are set in 'Currency. Connect Rounding-off Rules' (CRS053).


Rounding off is used to express totals as a specific whole or decimal value. It can be used to even odd fractions for smaller sums or to create so-called psychological prices, such as $9.90.

This example illustrates a rounding-off table:

Limit Target Explanation
0.00 0.10 The amount is rounded off to the nearest even .10, e.g. 12.10 12.20 12.30.
25.00 0.50 The amount is rounded off to the nearest even 0.50, e.g. 12.00 12.50 13.00 13.50.
100.00 9.90 The amount is rounded off to the nearest 9.90, e.g. 149.90.
1000.00 90.00 The amount is rounded off to the nearest 90.00, e.g. 1390.00.
10000.00 100.00 The amount is rounded off to the nearest even hundred.

The examples below illustrate how an amount is rounded off according to the table. The rounding-off rule determines whether the amount is rounded up, down, or to the nearest multiple.

Example 1 - The amount 12.23 is rounded off as:

Rounding-off rule Rounded amount
0 = Nearest 12.20
1 = Up 12.30
2 = Down 12.20

Example 2 - The amount 175.45 is rounded off as:

Rounding-off rule Rounded amount
0 = Nearest 179.90
1 = Up 179.90
2 = Down 169.90

Example 3 - The amount 1175.45 is rounded off as:

Rounding-off rule Rounded amount
0 = Nearest 1190.00
1 = Up 1190.00
2 = Down 1090.00