Monitor and Implement Master Demand Schedule from SCP

This document explains how you monitor and implement an updated master demand schedule (MDS) from M3 Supply Chain Planner (SCP). The MDS is exported to M3 BE from SCP as a result of the optimization/simulation in SCP.


An MDS has been transferred to demand on the item/warehouse level and implemented in material planning.

The following tables are updated:

  • Received MDS from SCP (MSCTRA). This table is updated if you manually change the MDS.
  • The distributed MDS (MSCMDS)
  • The forecasting table (MITAFO).

The MDS states the quantity levels to be planned for each node. The MDS controls the sourcing at sales nodes, while sourcing rules control the sourcing at purchase and supply nodes.

Before you start

  • There must be an MDS version connected to the SCP version in 'SCP Version. Open' (SPS100) or per warehouse connected to a supply node in 'SCP Version-Node. Connect Object' (SPS111).
  • An MDS must have been exported from SCP to BE. MDS are stored in SCP version category MDS with status 40=Received MDS.

Follow These Steps

Adjust and Disaggregate MDS per Node and SCP Item Group/Item

  1. Start 'SCP Version. Enter Master Demand' (SPS210/B).

    You can also start this program by using related option 'Received MDS' in 'SCP Version. Open' (SPS100). Note that the SCP version must have version category MDS.

  2. Select the appropriate SCP version. The master demand per node and SCP item group/item is displayed.

    The aggregation level set on the SCP version controls whether optimization in SCP is performed per SCP item group or item number.

  3. Choose to create new demand records or delete or change an existing MDS. This step is optional.

    If you want to make any kind of changes, the SCP version must have status 40=Received MDS.

  4. Open the E panel if you want to change the demand quantity.

    When you have changed or created new demand records, the status of the SCP version is updated to 50=Manually changed MDS.

  5. When you have checked, and possibly changed, the demand records, press F14=Distribute. Demand per node and SCP item group/item will then be disaggregated to the item/warehouse level. The status of the SCP version is updated to 70=Disaggregation performed.

Implement MDS

  1. Start 'SCP Version. Display Master Demand' (SPS215).

  2. Select the SCP version. The result of the aggregation in (SPS210) is displayed on the B panel.

  3. Select Display if you want to see details for the aggregated MDS on the E panel. Note that you cannot create or change any data in this program.

  4. Select related option 'Item/Warehouse' if you want to view, and possibly change, the corresponding item/warehouse record.

  5. Select action F20=Implement to start implementing the MDS. When the job has finished, the status of the SCP version category is raised to 90=Implemented.

    You can also use related option 'Implement' if you want to implement the records one by one.

  6. Select related option 'Forecast' if you want to view the result of the implementation in 'Manual Forecast/MDS. Open' (FCS350). Here you can also make additional changes in the MDS.