Generate Items to SCP Item Group

This document explains how you automatically generate items within certain selections to an SCP item group. This is useful if you have a large number of items that you want to include in an optimization in M3 SCP. It is also possible to manually connect items to SCP item groups.


Items are generated to an SCP item group.

The following tables are updated:

  • SCP item groups (MSCITG)
  • SCP item group connection (MSCITC).

The SCP item groups are used as an aggregated level in the optimization/simulation in M3 SCP.

Before you start

  • Items that will be connected to SCP item groups must have been defined.
  • You must have a plan for how to group your items. Note that it is also possible to perform the simulation/optimization in M3 SCP on the item level.

Follow These Steps

  1. Start 'SCP Item Group. Open' (SPS030/B).

  2. Select the SCP item group to which you want to generate items and specify option 11=Connect items.

  3. In 'SCP Item Group. Connect Items' (SPS031/B), specify function key F14=Gen item no.

  4. In 'SCP Item Group. Generate Items' (SPS032/E), specify the range of items that you want to generate to the SCP item group. You can, for example, select an interval of item numbers, or select all items within one or several item groups, product groups or forecast families.

  5. Specify whether item numbers should be added to existing transactions or replace those already found.

  6. Specify whether average weight and volume per SCP item group should be automatically calculated.

  7. Press Enter to start the generation of items.

Parameters to Set in (SPS032/E)

Field The field indicates …
Item numberfrom/to … the interval of item numbers that should be connected to the SCP item group.
Item groupfrom/to … the item group(s) within which all items should be connected to the SCP item group.
Product groupfrom/to … the product group(s) within which all items should be connected to the SCP item group.
Item responsiblefrom/to … the item responsible(s) for which all items should be connected to the SCP item group.
Forecast family … the forecast family (families) for which all items should be connected to the SCP item group.
Alias category … the alias category for which all items should be connected to the SCP item group.
Alias numberfrom/to … the alias number(s)for which all items should be connected to the SCP item group. If no selection is made on alias number, all items connected to the chosen alias type are connected to the group.
Item type … the item type for which all items should be connected to the SCP item group.
Add/replace … whether transactions should be added to existing transactions or replace those already found.
Calculate weight/volume … whether the average weight and volume should be calculated when generating item numbers to an SCP item group.