Connect Items to a Macro Order Policy

This document explains how you connect items to a macro order policy by using item-related control objects.


The macro order policy (MMOPOL) table is updated.

When an order or a supply chain is created, it will be connected to a macro order using the same policy as the item that the order or the supply chain refers to. When the materials and operations are aggregated into the macro order at a later stage, the aggregation will be done according to the policy as well.

Before you start

  • A macro order policy must be defined in 'Macro Order Policy. Open' (RPS350).
  • The object 'Macro Order Policy' (RPS360) must be defined in 'Available Object Ctrl Parameters. Open' (CMS016). You must define which control objects (in this case item-related fields) to use in 'Generic Object Control Table. Open' (CMS017). The available fields are the ones belonging to field group MMKM1, displayed in 'Field Group. Display Permitted Fields' (CRS109).

Follow These Steps

  1. Start 'Macro Order Policy Selection Table. Open' (RPS360/B).

  2. Specify priority 1 and select the Apply button.

  3. Specify which items to connect to the macro order policy by entering values in the control object fields. Select Create.

  4. On the E panel, enter a From date.

  5. Enter a macro order policy for definite orders and/or one for preliminary orders. Press Enter.

Parameters to Set

Program ID/Panel Field The field indicates …
(RPS360/B) Priority

… the priority in which the combination of control objects values should be checked.

Note that in current version of the system, '1' is the only possible alternative.

(RPS360/B) Control object

… a control object used to connect groups of items to the macro order policy.

All fields that can be used as control objects are item-related fields, such as product group, item group, and planning entity.

You can use up to three control objects and they can be combined in different ways when they are connected to a macro order policy.


1. The fields 'Product group', 'Item group' and 'Planning entity' are used as control objects.

2. All items that belong to the product group 'Vehicle' are connected to the macro order policy 001.

3. All items that belong to the product group 'Vehicle' and the item group 'Wheel' are connected to the macro order policy 002.

(RPS360/B) From date … from which date the combination of control objects connected to the macro order policy is valid.
(RPS360/E) Macro order policy

… a policy containing a number of aggregation rules.

The policy entered here determines how approved orders are aggregated into macro orders.

(RPS360/E) Macro order policy – preliminary orders

… a policy containing a number of aggregation rules.

The policy specified here determines how preliminary orders are aggregated into macro orders.