Dataset Transaction Type Update

This document explains the different transaction types used in datasets and how they are updated.

Transaction types are used to classify the input to and content of a dataset, which is a user-defined statistical storage site. A dataset's content is controlled by its combination of transaction types, key fields, accumulator fields and date limits.


By understanding and adopting this concept, you may improve performance and have a better control information for your business processes. The information stored in datasets can be used for forecasting, budgeting and statistical purposes.

During this process, these changes are made in M3:

  • The unique file for each dataset is updated.
  • The files for order entry (OSASTD) or sales statistics (OSBSTD) are updated.

Before you start

These conditions must be met for the transaction type to be updated:

  • The datasets that should be updated must be active (have status 20) and valid. The validity dates set on 'Dataset. Open' (OSS401/E) control whether data is updated into the dataset.
  • The autostart jobs used for updating some of the transaction types must be running.
  • The order type parameters (customer, service and maintenance orders and projects) that control whether order entry statistics or sales statistics should be created must be selected.
  • The necessary account entries must have been made; that is, whether the transaction types should be updated in connection to invoicing.

The specific prerequisites are further described for each transaction type separately.

Multiple Unit Coordination

  • In a MUC (multiple unit coordination) installation, you should enter division, either in the header or as a key field, in the dataset. Using 'Division' (UCDIVI) as key field makes it possible to sort the information per division. If you choose to enter division in the header, only data for this division will be accumulated in the dataset. In a normal MUC installation (type 2), one sales statistic is created for the sales division and one for the consolidated division.


Order entry and sales statistics can be re-created. You specify the date from which re-creation should be performed and you can choose whether to re-create a single dataset only or all of the statistics (the OSASTD or OSBSTD files) based on open or invoiced order lines. You might need to do this when, for example, item groups have been changed.

Note that re-creation of all of the statistics will take time and may affect the system performance. If you have performed archiving since the last re-creation or system start-up, the archived orders are excluded in the re-creation. This may result in different contents in the datasets.

Re-creation must be performed from central (blank) division.

The programs used for re-creation are specified below.


Each dataset transaction type consists of two numerals. The first numeral indicates the demand source and the second indicates the source within this demand source.

These transaction types may be used:

  • 30 = Delivered not invoiced statistics – customer orders
  • 31 = Order entry statistics – customer orders
  • 32 = Sales statistics – customer orders
  • 33 = Sales budget – customer orders
  • 34 = Sales forecast – customer orders
  • 35 = Lost sales - customer orders
  • 39 = Calculated base forecast - customer orders
  • 70 = Delivered/not invoiced statistics - service orders
  • 72 = Sales statistics – service orders
  • 73 = Sales statistics – maintenance orders
  • 81 = Order received statistics – project
  • 82 = Sales statistics – project

30 = Delivered not invoiced statistics – customer orders

The delivered not invoiced statistics for customer orders is updated when a delivery line is reported in 'CO Delivery. Approve' (OIS155) or when a picking list is reported in 'Picking List. Report' (MWS420). The delivery header and lines are created by 'Update delivery header and line' (OIS900).

Autostart job OSS980 creates a record in the sales statistics file (OSBSTD). During invoicing, transaction type 30 is replaced by transaction type 32. Transaction type 30 can be re-created by using 'Delivered/Not Invoiced Stats. Re-create' (OSS985).


  • Autostart job OSS980 must be running.
  • The 'Update delivered not invoiced' parameter on 'CO Type. Open' (OIS010/K) must be selected.

31 = Order entry statistics – customer orders

The customer order entry statistics are updated when you enter a customer order. When you exit 'Customer Order. Open Line' (OIS101), autostart job OSS900 creates a record online in the order sales statistics file (OSASTD). The transaction type is adjusted when an order line is changed. If the change date and entry date are the same, the current record is changed in the statistics. If the change date is a date other than the entry date, the line in the database is marked with a "C" (for technical reasons) and a sequence number, and a new record is created in the statistics. Transaction type 31 can be re-created by using 'Order Received Stats. Re-create' (OSS990).


  • Autostart job OSS900 must be running.
  • The 'Update order received statistics' parameter on 'CO Type. Open' (OIS010/K) must be selected.

32 = Sales statistics – customer orders

The sales statistics for customer orders is updated by 'Invoice - update statistics' (OIS190) during invoicing. The sales statistics file (OSBSTD) is updated. Transaction type 32 can be re-created by using 'Sales Statistics. Re-create' (OSS995).

The 'Ordered quantity' (ORQT) for transaction type 32 is derived from the total invoiced quantity for the customer order. If you specifically require the actual ordered quantity, then you should check transaction type 31.

The update is controlled by two parameters on 'Settings - Customer Order Invoicing' (CRS722/E). The 'Update accounting entry' parameter must be selected in order for sales statistics to be created. The 'Update sales statistics' parameter controls whether sales statistics should be updated immediately during invoicing, either by a batch job or an autojob, or separately. If you want to update the sales statistics at a later stage, you can run 'CO Invoice. Post-Process' (OIS196/E) and select the 'Update sales statistics' parameter. You may also update the sales statistics separately using 'Sales Statistics. Update' (OIS691).


  • The 'Update sales statistics' parameter on 'CO Type. Open' (OIS010/K) must be selected.
  • The 'Update accounting entry' parameter on 'Settings - Customer Order Invoicing' (CRS722/E) must be selected.

33 = Sales budget – customer orders

Sales budgets are created manually in 'Sales Budget. Enter Values' (OSS421). Note that you must always connect a sales budget version to a dataset with transaction type 33. This transaction type cannot be re-created.

34 = Sales forecast – customer orders

Sales forecasts are created in 'Sales Forecast. Generate in Dataset' (OSS440), which is controlled by the forecast method selected.

If you use advanced forecasting (that is, when the 'Demand' (UCDEMA) field is included in the dataset), a number of forecast fields are added automatically. In standard forecasting, forecast on a field, such as 'Invoiced quantity - basic U/M (UCIVQT), is based on the data in the same field (UCIVQT). Then when you use (UCDEMA), forecasting is instead based on other fields. Forecasting is controlled by the forecast method.

The forecast is saved in the dataset field 'Calculated forecast' (CFOR).

Transaction type 34 cannot be re-created, but can be re-calculated.

35 = Lost sales - customer orders

Lost sales statistics is updated when an order line is deleted using 'Customer Order. Delete Line' (OIS119). When deleting the line, you are asked whether the sales statistics should be updated on panel (OIS119/D). You may also manually update the lost sales statistics by using 'Customer Order. Enter Lost Sales' (OSS450).

Transaction type 35 cannot be re-created.

39 = Calculated base forecast - customer orders

Calculated base forecasts are created in 'Sales Forecast. Generate in Dataset' (OSS440). The base forecast is calculated from base demand and does not include seasonal factors or period length variations that affect demand.

The base forecast is used as the first step in automatic forecasting and is saved in the dataset field 'Base forecast' (BFOR).

Transaction type 39 cannot be re-created, but can be re-calculated.

70 = Delivered/not invoiced statistics - service orders

This transaction type corresponds to type 30 for service orders.

The delivered not invoiced statistics for service orders are updated when a delivery line is reported in 'Planned Service Order. Print' (SOS620). The delivery header and lines are created by 'Update delivery index' (SOS600).

When a service order line has been delivered, autostart job OSS980 creates a record in the sales statistics file (OSBSTD). During invoicing, transaction type 70 is replaced by type 72.

Transaction type 70 can be re-created by using 'Delivered/Not Invoiced Stats. Re-create' (OSS985).


  • Autostart job OSS980 must be running.
  • The 'Update delivered not invoiced' parameter on 'SO Type. Open' (SOS010/F) must be selected.

72 = Sales statistics – service orders

This transaction type corresponds to type 32 for service orders. The sales statistics for service orders is updated by 'Invoice - update statistics' (SOS190) during invoicing. The sales statistics file (OSBSTD) is updated. Transaction type 72 can be re-created by using 'Sales Statistics. Re-create' (OSS995).


  • The 'Update sales statistics in' parameter in 'SO Type. Open' (SOS010/F) must be selected.

73 = Sales statistics – maintenance orders

This transaction type corresponds to type 32 for maintenance orders. The sales statistics for maintenance orders are updated by 'Invoice - update statistics' (COS190) during invoicing. The sales statistics file (OSBSTD) is updated. You may also update the sales statistics separately by using 'Sales Statistics. Update' (COS691).

Transaction type 73 can be re-created by using (OSS995).


The 'Update sales statistics' parameter in 'Maint CO Type. Open' (COS010) must be selected.

81 = Order received statistics – project

This transaction type corresponds to type 31 for project orders. The order received statistics for project orders are updated when a project invoice is created, changed or deleted in 'Project Invoice. Update' (POS480) or 'Project Invoice. Update Lines' (POS481). The invoice status must be less than 70. Autostart job OSS900 creates a record online in the order sales statistics file (OSASTD).

Transaction type 81 can be re-created by using 'Order Received Stats. Re-create' (OSS990).


  • Autostart job OSS900 must be running.
  • The 'Update order received statistics' parameter on 'Project Type. Open' (POS010/E) must be selected.

82 = Sales statistics – project

This transaction type corresponds to type 32 for project orders. The sales statistics for project orders are updated by 'Invoice - update statistics' (POS190) during invoicing. The sales statistics file (OSBSTD) is updated. The project invoice must have status 70 or greater.

In 'Settings - Project Invoicing' (CRS792) or 'Project Invoice. Update' (POS480), you can set the level on which sales statistics should be updated, either for the invoice line (the total sum) or for the suffix line (the detail level). The value set in (POS480) will override the value in (CRS792).

Transaction type 82 can be re-created by using 'Sales Statistics. Re-create' (OSS995).


The 'Update sales statistics' parameter on 'Project Type. Open' (POS010/E) must be selected. You can choose to update sales statistics for final invoicing and on-account invoicing (alternative 1) or for advance, partial and on-account invoicing (alternative 2).