Managing Sales Budget
This document explains how you create, monitor and consolidate a sales budget. Sales budgeting is part of demand planning in M3.
A sales budget with budget values has been consolidated and transferred to budgeting in the financial management component groups.
Sales budgets are stored in datasets with transaction type 33 (sales budget). Each dataset can contain several sales budget versions. When a sales budget is created, the following files are affected:
- The sales budget file (OSBUID)
- The specific file of the dataset containing the sales budget.
Sales budgets are used to estimate the sales for a specific period of time. Budget targets can be measured against the sales statistics. Sales budgets can also be used in forecasting.
Before you start
- A dataset must have been enabled.
- Sales budgeting must have been enabled.
- An activated dataset with transaction type 33 (sales budget) must exist.
- If you want to use sales statistics as a basis for the sales budget, statistics must first be created.
Follow These Steps
Creating Sales Budget
You create a sales budget version in 'Sales Budget. Open' (OSS420). You can create budget values in different ways, such as:
- Manually in 'Sales Budget. Enter Values' (OSS421) or 'Sales Stats/Budget. Display' (OSS415)
- By copying values from another sales budget in 'Sales Budget. Consolidate/Copy' (OSS220)
- By coping or moving values from one dataset and budget version to another in 'Dataset. Copy/Move' (OSS230)
- By distributing values from a sales budget on a higher level in 'Sales Budget. Distribute' (OSS935)
- By importing a budget from a PC file in 'Sales Stats/Budget. Import from PC File' (OSS940)
The sales budget version defines the budgeting method and can be used year after year so that all reports that retrieve data from the budget version can be used at different times without being redefined.
Monitoring and Adjusting Sales Budget
You may use the following programs to monitor and adjust sales budget values:
- 'Sales Stats/Budget. Display' (OSS415)
- 'Sales Budget. Enter Values' (OSS421)
- 'Sales Stats/Budget. Print' (OSS417)
- 'Sales Budget. Supplement' (OSS250)
- 'Sales Budget. Adjust' (OSS424)
Supplementing Sales Budget
In 'Sales Budget. Supplement' (OSS250), you can supplement the budget with new values. If item number is a key field in a dataset, four accumulator fields can be calculated automatically based on other accumulator fields and different price information, which simplifies budgeting.
These accumulator fields can be calculated automatically:
- Budgeted invoice amount in local currency
- Budgeted invoice amount in foreign currency
- Budgeted quantity
- Budgeted cost of goods sold.
Adjusting Sales Budget
You can adjust budget values on an aggregated level instead of a detailed level. This is useful for budget values that can be adjusted in the same way. For example, a budgeted amount might be adjusted using the same percentage for all items within a certain item group. An unlimited number of selection criteria can be defined for each key field, and several accumulator fields can be adjusted at the same time in 'Sales Budget. Adjust' (OSS424).
Establishing and Communicating Sales Budget
A sales budget can either be transferred to the financial area by using 'Sales Budget. Transfer to FIM' (OSS270), or to an item forecast or master demand schedule by using 'Manual Forecast. Update fr Sales Budget' (FCS425).
In 'Sales Budget Year. Open' (OSS428), you can lock a budget year within a budget version so that it cannot be further updated or processed.