Master Production Schedule

This process is used to create a master production schedule to cover sales and production demands for a particular period of time. The master production schedule constitutes a concrete plan of production plans per item. It also provides information on when production is to occur and how much is to be produced.

The process is complete when a master production schedule is created.

Work on the master production schedule is done in 'Material Plan. Open' (MMS080). The current master demand schedule, which shows the amount to be delivered during a particular period, is used as the basis.

Along with a load analysis from Rough-cut Capacity Planning, which shows the greatest capacity possible, the master demand schedule can be converted to a master production schedule. Here, the forecast demand is matched with the capacity.

Follow these steps

  1. Define Planning Rules and Definitions

    In this process, the rules and definitions that will be the basis for the appearance and contents of the master production schedule are established.

  2. Demand Specification and Control

    This process describes how sales forecasts are converted to a master demand schedule and how it, along with a load analysis from Rough-cut Capacity Planning, forms a master production schedule. This schedule contains order proposals for covering the demands for a particular period.