SCP Version


An SCP version is the overall entity within integrated supply chain planning that uses M3 Business Engine, M3 Supply Chain Planner and M3 Yield Optimizer.


The SCP version keeps the data that is exchanged between M3 Business Engine and SCP together. You connect your physical network, consisting of nodes and node distribution relations, and SCP item groups or items to the SCP version. The SCP version also contains information about market demand and manufacturing and distribution constraints.

You can use several version categories for the SCP versions in your M3 BE-integrated SCP model. The blank SCP version category is used for importing data from M3 Business Engine to SCP. The other version categories are used for receiving data from SCP in the form of sourcing rules, MDS versions and/or inventory buildup.

Different statuses control the SCP version through the supply chain optimization:

  • 10 = Deactivated
  • 20 = Activated
  • 40 = Received data
  • 50 = Manually changed data
  • 70 = Disaggregation performed
  • 90 = Implemented/Archived.