Forecast Consumption

A forecast consumption method is a set of rules regulating how forecast figures and item reservations affect the material requirements planning.

Forecast consumption methods are configured in program ‘Forecast Logic. Open’ (FCS305) and, among other things, regulate the following:

  • Summation of forecast figures and reservations from orders to net forecast figures
  • If and how many days ahead the forecast surplus should be transferred to a new period (forecast memory)
  • If and how many days back the forecast deficit should be consumed by reservations for the current period (forecast memory)
  • Where the requirements for the material requirements planning should be retrieved when not only forecasts are used as a demand source
  • Over how many days per week the forecast should be distributed (weekend processing).

The forecast and/or master schedule are implemented during material requirements planning.

Forecast logic and maintenance

Forecast logic defaults can be defined in the parameter file ‘Settings - Maintenance 1’ (CRS788) and against the default item used to create equipment.