Enabling Dataset

This document explains how you enable dataset handling in M3.


The process results in a user-defined dataset that has been activated. The contents of the dataset is determined by the transaction types, key fields and accumulators connected to it.

The following files are updated:

  • Dataset definitions (OSSSET)
  • Transaction type per dataset definition (OSSTRT)
  • Dataset elements (OSSELE)
  • Dataset selection elements (OSSSEE)
  • Dataset selection (OSSSEL)
  • Unique dataset file.

Datasets are used for budgeting, forecasting and statistical purposes. Different transaction types are used to control in what area the dataset is used.

Before you start

Period types must have defined in 'System Calendar. Open Period' (CRS910)

Follow These Steps

  1. Create Dataset Header

    The dataset header contains the basic information about the dataset and consists of the following:

    • A general description
    • The key fields that determine the hierarchical order of the information updated into the dataset
    • The date range within which the dataset should be valid - data outside this range will not be accumulated into the dataset
    • A period type, such as weekly or monthly, that determines the length of each bucket.

    When sales forecasts are calculated using the dataset, information such as the seasonal curve, forecast method and budget version for the start forecast must also be specified.

  2. Connect Dataset Accumulators

    Accumulator fields control which data is updated into the dataset. Many different data elements can be selected, such as invoiced quantity, invoice totals, cost value, etc.

    By selecting accumulator fields to be included in a dataset you exclude unimportant information to save disk space and improve performance. This reduces the number of datasets and increases the combinations possible for different reports.

    For datasets containing sales forecasts, each accumulator field can be specified to be included in the forecast calculation.

  3. Define Selection Filters

    The statistical data updated for a dataset can be limited by making a selection in 'Dataset. Connect Selection Fields' (OSS403). For example, a selection can be made if a dataset should only be used for service level evaluations where it is not desirable to include the order type for internal orders.

  4. Select Transaction Type

    The transaction types control what transactions should be updated into the dataset, for example, sales statistics, sales budgets or sales forecasts. Transaction types are connected to the dataset in 'Dataset. Connect Dataset Trans Types' (OSS406).

  5. Activate Dataset

    When a dataset is activated, a data file containing the data for the dataset and an API program for processing the read-ins and updates to the file are created. The status of the dataset is raised from 10=Preliminary to 20=Active.

    File names are necessary if the data is used in external routines, such as with ODBC connections or queries. File names for active datasets are displayed in the File field in 'Dataset. Open' (OSS401/E). The program and file are assigned the same name using the syntax Occcnnn, where ccc represents the company number and nnn a sequence number assigned automatically. When the dataset is changed or reactivated, M3 automatically uses the same name as closely as possible.

    Deactivate Dataset

    If you want to change the definition of a dataset, you must first deactivate it, by using option 10=Deactivate. When you deactivate a dataset, you might lose data, depending on what transaction type(s) you have connected to it. Note that for some of the transaction types, data can not be re-created.