Settings for Inventory Statistics

This setting document explains the settings for inventory statistics.


Basic settings that are mandatory for displaying statistics for item and stock location are defined.

Before you start

  • Basic data for items is entered.
  • Basic data for inventory management is entered.

Parameters to set

Program ID/ Panel


The field indicates ...


History storage method

… if and how stock transactions are stored in the stock transaction history file. The valid alternatives are:

0 = No storage. No item statistics will be updated, and no financial transactions created.

1 = Detailed storage.

2 = Accumulated storage on daily level per order and transaction type.

3 = Accumulated storage on daily level per transaction type.

For alternatives 2 and 3, all receipts are stored on a detail level (as for alternative 1).


Statistical storage group

… how the inventory statistics are to be saved.

The code is defined in a separate table and can be specified for each item/warehouse.


Statistical storage group

… how the inventory statistics are to be saved.

The code is defined in a separate table and can be specified for each item/warehouse.


Period range

… which system period interval applies during accumulation of inventory statistics.


If the number of periods per year is 12 and the interval entered is 3, statistics will be gathered for periods 3, 6, 9 and 12. Accordingly, if the interval is 6, statistics will be gathered period 6 and 12. Observe that this also controls the period interval of the forecast component.


Number of years

… the number of years system period statistics should be saved. For example, value 02 means that the current and previous years' statistics should be saved.


Number of cumulative years

… the number of years cumulative stock statistics should be saved. For example, value 02 means that the current and previous years' statistics should be saved.


Transaction statistics

… a code specified for each location. It determines how statistics for stock transactions should be created.

The valid alternatives are:

0 = No

1 = Yes, annually

2 = Yes, for each period.


Summary key

… the type of key to be used when summing up inventory statistics.

The valid alternatives are:

01 = Item type

02 = Item group

03 = Product group

04 = Cost reference

05 = Responsible planner

06 = ABC volume

07 = ABC frequency

08 = ABC contribution

09 = Manual ABC class

10 = Stock zone.

Statistics can only be displayed if they are first summed up in a period run. In the parameter program

'Settings - Summary Inventory Stats' (CRS716), it is determined whether aggregation should be performed. Alternatives 01 – 04 are defined by item and 05 – 10 by item per warehouse.


Period type MPM

… which period type, 1–5, is to be used in M3 MPM. Up to five different period types can be defined using 'System Calendar. Open Period' (CRS910). For each application, specify the period type.


Number of period types 1

… the number of periods per year is included in a period type.


Period type

… a key identity in the period table, which enables working simultaneously with up to five different period divisions. For each record in the system calendar, you can see that the day is connected to one of five different period types. Besides the five period types, period type 9 can be defined. It is used in the forecast component to enable forecasting item numbers per week.


If you use period type 1 to define accounting periods and period type 2 to define payroll periods that differ from the accounting periods, you must specify in the company file that the accounting system is to use period type 1 and that the payroll system is to use period type 2. However, if the same period type is to be used for both accounting and payroll this should be entered in the company file.

Follow these steps

  1. Open 'Item. Connect Warehouse' (MMS002/G). Activate the 'History storage method' field; select between parameters 1, 2 or 3.

  2. Activate the 'Statistic storage group' field. A list is activated from 'Statistic Storage Group. Open' (CRS255).

  3. Enter the (CRS255/B) panel and create a statistical storage group. Enter the (CRS255/E) panel and specify the fields.

  4. The 'Period range' field together with the 'Number of years' field controls the intervals for storing, and for how long the statistics should be stored. The current year is included.

    Period range 1 means that statistics are stored for each MPM period. If the MPM periods per year are 12 and the period range is set to 3, then statistics will be gathered for period 3, 6, 9 and 12.

  5. The 'Number of years' field specifies for how many years the detailed statistics should be saved.

  6. The 'Number of cumulative years' field specifies for how many years the accumulated statistics should be saved.

  7. Open the 'Stock Location. Open' (MMS010/F) panel.

  8. Activate the 'Transaction statistics' field (parameter 1 or 2).

  9. In 'Settings - Summary Inventory Stats' (CRS716) there are some specific settings for summarized item statistics.

  10. On the (CRS716/E) panel, values for each 'Summary key' are specified. These keys are used in 'Item Statistics. Display Totals' (MMS290).

  11. 'Stock Transaction Type. Open Standard' (CRS205/E) indicates which fields should be updated in MITSTA statistical table when a transaction using this transaction type is entered.

  12. The requisition and distribution order types are based on standard transaction types, but the effect on the statistics can be overridden in 'Req/Distr Order Type. Open' (CRS200/E). You can override the standard sign (from CRS205) in the open field in front of the Statistical field. The transaction signs follow mathematical rules, so minus (transaction sign) and minus (field sign) results in a positive sign, etc.

    Workflow to create MPM periods

  13. Statistics are stored in MPM periods. To define an MPM period, open the 'Company. Connect Division' (MNS100/F) panel to define which period types to use in the different application components.

  14. Enter the 'Period type MPM' field and define a period type.

  15. Fill in the 'Number of period types 1' field.

  16. To define a period type, open 'System Calendar. Open Period' (CRS910). On the (CRS910/B) panel, fill in the 'Period type' field. Open the (CRS910/E) panel and define each period.