Manage Harvested Dates

Harvested dates in M3 affect manufacturing order processing and purchase order processing.

In certain industries, such as the poultry industry segment, there is a need to closely control the quality and freshness of products that are typically harvested or killed. In order to accomplish this, a concept called the Harvested date (also referred to as Kill date) may be used to further define an item.

The following Harvest method options are available for items: 0 (do not use the Harvested date), 1 (use a manually entered Harvested date), or 2 (inherit a Harvested date from transactions processed upstream).

You should use the Harvested date management process with lot handling.

A manufactured item that is produced from items, which are previously harvested, must have a mechanism to keep the traceability of what item-lot was used to make the item in addition to what was the Harvested date of that item-lot. Manufactured items with a Harvest method of 2 inherit their Harvested date as the earliest Harvested date from the QC lots of the ingredients that were issued to the order. The corresponding item and the lot are also captured on the manufactured item's lot record.

Because items that are purchased can have a Harvested date (provided by the vendor), there is a mechanism to capture this information. You may enter the Harvested date for purchased items with a Harvest method of 1 (where the Harvested date may be manually entered). The Harvested date cannot be entered during purchase receipt for items with a Harvest method of 2 (where the item's Harvested date is inherited from a source item).


Use Harvest method and Harvested date management to get an indication of the freshness of a particular item.

  • The Harvested date may be manually entered upon receipt of the purchase order or manufacturing order (MO) if the Harvest method is 1.
  • The Harvested date is calculated by the system upon MO receipt if the Harvest method is set as 2. The Harvested date field will inherit the earliest Harvested date from the related ingredients issued.
  • In addition, if you need to perform reclassification through 'Balance Identity. Reclassify' (MMS130), the balance identity is impacted by the harvest method attributes of items that are being classified. This impact is restricted to the condition where the Reclassify Calculation method is 0 when a given item is re-classified into a new item.

    The summary of the reclassification rules is that an item can be reclassified into another item with the same harvest method attribute. For a Harvest method of 1, the target item's Harvested date can be edited if required. For a Harvest method of 2, both the source and target items must have a Harvest method of 2 for reclassification to occur. For a Harvest method of 0, the target item will not have any Harvested date saved.

The Harvest method is stored in the MITMAS table (item master). Harvested date is stored in the MILOMA table (lot master).

Before you start

  • Set the Harvest method in 'Item. Open' (MMS001/F).
    Note: To set up an item with a Harvest method of '1 - Harvested date on record' or '2 - Harvested date inherited', the Expiry date method field must have a value other than 0.
  • Select the 014 Panel Sequence – F&B check box in 'Purchase Order Type. Open' (PPS095/E) must be selected for the Harvested date functionality to take effect in the purchasing flow.
    1. Open 'Purchase Order Type. Open' (PPS095).

    2. In the Details section of the E panel, select the 014 Panel Sequence – F&B check box. Press Enter.

      Note: This setting enables access to the E1 panel of 'Purchase Order. Receive Goods' (PPS300) where the Harvested date is entered.

Follow These Steps

  1. The Purchase Flow for Harvested Date Management

    If it is a purchased item (that is, an item with a Make/buy code of '2 – Purchased'):

    1. After a purchase order has been created for an item with a Harvest method of '1 – Harvested date on record', open (PPS300).

      Note:  You cannot enter a Harvested date for any item with a Harvest method of '2 – Harvested date inherited'.
    2. Highlight one of the lines to receive and select the Change option.

    3. When the E1 panel appears, enter the Harvested date. Press Enter to save.

      Note: You may inquire on the Harvested date for this lot on 'Lot/Serial Number. Connect to Item' (MMS235).
  2. The Manufacturing Flow for Harvested Date Management

    1. If it is a manufactured item (that is, an item with a Make/buy code of '1 – Manufactured') and the Harvest method is '1 – Harvested date on record':

      • When you receive the finished goods through 'Manufact Order. Report Receipt' (PMS050), enter the Harvested date. Press Enter to save.
    2. If it is a manufactured item (that is, an item with a Make/buy code of '1 – Manufactured') and the Harvest method is '2 – Harvested date inherited':

      • After all the ingredients and ingredient-lots have been issued using 'Manufact Order. Report Issue' (PMS060), report output through (PMS050).
        Note: If the item has a Harvest method of 2, the item cannot be reported through (PMS050) unless all the harvest-managed ingredients have been issued first.
      • The system calculates the Harvested date and it cannot be changed.