Create and Apply User Authorization to Different Objects
This instruction explains how you create authorization for users and also prevent unauthorized users from monitoring or maintain data in M3. An object access group will qualify users to monitor and maintain different objects in M3, such as sales price lists, statistic reports, orders, etc.
An object access group is created and applied to an object.
The object access group is saved in the CSYTAB table and can be reviewed in 'Object Access Group. Open' (CRS006).
The primary use is to prevent unauthorized users from monitoring or maintaining selected data in M3.
Function where you can use Object Access Groups
Function |
AHS010 |
'Ad Hoc Report Location. Open' |
AHS100 |
'Ad Hoc Report Group. Open' |
AMS200 |
Archiving log |
APS060 |
'AP Standard Document. Open' |
BUS100 |
Budget definition |
CAS006 |
Resource driver Units version |
CAS007 |
Resource driver Rate version |
CAS040 |
Resource driver |
CAS050 |
Cost center model |
CFS020 |
Cash flow models header |
CRS006 |
Object access group |
CRS007 |
Access group entries |
CRS008 |
Facility |
CRS100 |
Salesperson |
CRS117 |
Address format rules |
CRS278 |
Charge models |
CRS406 |
'FAM Function. Open Details' |
CRS418 |
'Program Problem. Solve' |
CRS609 |
Customer. Select Fields |
CRS610 |
Customer |
CRS630 |
Chart of accounts file |
CRS692 |
Bank accounts |
CRS965 |
Re-create sorting options |
MFS610 |
Customer local exceptions |
MMS005 |
Warehouses |
MMS056 |
'Supply Model. Open' |
MMS250 |
Template for list panels |
MNS100 |
Division |
OIS017 |
Sales price list master |
OIS022 |
Sales price calculation models |
OIS060 |
Customer agreement header |
OIS370 |
'Bulk Order Batch. Open Toolbox' |
OIS412 |
Bonus agreements |
OIS530 |
Price list - select |
OIS800 |
Discount models |
OIS820 |
Discount campaigns |
OIS840 |
Promotions |
OIS860 |
Supplier rebate agreement |
OSS412 |
Stat. & bud. report definitions |
PPS100 |
Agreement |
PPS285 |
Procurement cost ID |
RGS600 |
FAM report generator |
RGS640 |
Report generator - list definition |
SES505 |
Object access group reports |
SOS022 |
Price lists |
STS017 |
Rental price list master |
TAS001 |
Project |
TAS002 |
Project activity |
TAS003 |
Connect activity project |
TAS010 |
Prices, head |
TAS045 |
Approval identity |
TAS050 |
Authorization identity |
Before you start
No special prerequisites are needed.
Follow these steps
Create a user group for object access group
Start 'User Group. Open' (CRS004)
Create an optional group identity, for example, USRGRP-ONE.
Connect users to this user group
Start 'User. Open' (MNS150), and select the user to be connected to a user group.
Start 'User. Access per Company Division' (MNS151) by using option 11='User ID' in (MNS150). A list of companies and divisions the user is authorized to will be visible.
Specify the User Group (for object access) for each combination of company and division. The field is available on the E-panel.
Note: The same user could be connected to different User Groups (for object access) in different companies and/or divisions. If the specific combination of company and division are missing for a certain user, the record containing company and *blank division will be used when performing the authorization check.
Create object access group
Start 'Object Access Group. Open' (CRS006).
Create an object access group identity, for example, ACCGRP-ONE.
Connect the user groups to the object access group
Start 'Object Access Group. Connect User Group' (CRS007) by using option 11 in (CRS006).
Connect one or several user groups to the object access group.
Connect object access group to an actual object
Connect an object access group to objects. This is done in different functions, for example 'Facility. Open' (CRS008), 'Sales Price List. Open' (OIS017), 'Sales Stats/Budget Report. Open' (OSS412).
Fill in the 'Object access group' field and select the actual object access group for this object (function).