Basic Batch Allocation Settings

This document explains how you define the basic settings for batch allocation.


Basic batch allocation settings are defined. This enables you to define the explicit settings for the different batch allocation methods.

Batch allocation is used for allocating stock to requirements when there is a shortage and also when more control is required than is feasible by using automatic allocation over which requirement gets the stock.

The allocated balance ID is stored in the MITLOC file.

The allocated order and order line are stored in the MITALO file.

Before you start

No prerequisites.

Parameters to set

Program ID/Panel Field The field indicates …
(MMS002/E) Demand time fence

… the number of days from order registration to shipment of the item. The items with a defined demand time fence are generally included in the master schedule.

The field also indicates the time for automatic allocation. If the field is blank, the value in (CRS701) is used.

(MMS002/E) Supply chain policy

… how supply chain orders for the specific item/warehouse will be managed. If this field is set, the setting 'Include SCO' in (MMS189) will be important at each batch allocation run.

Only demand order lines with a supply chain policy having the 'Link existing order' setting with value 1 or 2 will be included in the batch allocation run. This is done so that the normal supply chain order functionality does not create supply during a batch allocation. The creation of supply order lines should be triggered through normal MRP runs.

(MMS002/G) Allocation method … how allocation is carried out for each item/warehouse combination.
(CRS701/E) Allocation time fence … the allocation time fence stated in days for automatic allocation. This value will be used in those cases where an item/warehouse is missing a demand time fence (blank field).
(CRS701/E) Demand time fence type

… how the demand time fence is specified. The valid alternatives are:

0 = In calendar days

1 = In shipment days.

(MMS010/E) Allocable … whether the balance identities created for the respective location should be allocable.
(MMS005/G) Demand time fence override by priority … overrides to the demand time fence. There is one override for each order priority. The value entered extends or reduces (if negative) the demand time fence for orders with the selected order priority.
(CRS200) (OIS010) Next manual function

… which function in the allocation and dispatch flow is the next one to be carried out manually.

The valid alternatives are:

1 = No more automatic steps

2 = Release to allocate (MWS410)

3 = Release to print (MWS410)

4 = Report stock issues (MWS420)

5 = Report stock receipt of DO (MWS440)

6 = None, all completed with picking lists

7 = None, all completed without picking lists.

After the next manual function, other functions can be carried out either automatically or manually according to the settings in the order type.

(CRS200) (OIS014) (PMS120) 225 Default priority

… the priority to be used as the default when entering requisition and distribution orders.

The valid alternatives are:

0–4 = High priority

5 = Normal priority

6–9 = Low priority.

(CRS200) (OIS010) (PMS120) 255 Dispatch policy … the design of the dispatch process. A dispatch policy is assigned to the created delivery when filling in order lines. Dispatch policy is created in 'Dispatch Policy. Open' (MWS010).
(CRS200) 320 Allow allocation below safety stock … whether automatic allocation below safety stock level is permitted for a requisition or distribution order.
(MWS010) Auto level

… the auto level, which mainly regulates when stock issues are made. The valid alternatives are:

1 = Reservation only, no allocation. This level is only relevant for ROs

2 = Gross reservation for deduction, no allocation. This level is only relevant for ROs

3 = Issue made automatically when picking list reported

4 = Issue made automatically when picking list printed

5 = Issue made automatically when order entry completed, picking list not printed. This level is not relevant for MOs.

(MWS010) 030 Released for allocation … whether the delivery (the delivery number) should automatically be released for allocation after being created.
(MWS010) 040 Released for picking

… whether the delivery (delivery number) is released to create picking lists. This must be set to 0 = Not released.

Note that this does not determine whether the picking list is printed. Parameter 100 in (MWS010) determines whether the picking list is printed.

(MWS010) 290 Allocation check … whether an allocation check should be performed to determine if a picking list could be created for a delivery number.

Follow these steps

  1. Start 'Item. Connect Warehouse' (MMS002). Open the E panel.

  2. Fill in the 'Demand time fence' field with the number of days that should be the time period for automatic allocation.

    This is the number of days before delivery that the order line should have been allocated to a specific item. If the field is blank, the value in (CRS701) is used.

  3. Open the G panel. Fill in alternative 2-5 in the 'Allocation method' field, which indicates how allocation is carried out for each item/warehouse combination.

    The following settings are valid for batch allocations methods as fair share, allocation priority, allocation control and joint delivery:

    • Start 'Subsystem. Open' (MNS050). Here, you must stop the automatic start job 'Auto Allocation' (MMS920CL). This is done by selecting option 11= End subsystem, in front of the subsystem MVXCASJ. The subsystem type is ASJ = Subsystem for M3 database updates.
  4. Start 'Settings - Allocation Control' (CRS701). On the E panel the 'Allocation time fence' field must be filled in. If the 'Demand time fence' field in (MMS002/E) is blank, then values from this field are used.

  5. Fill in the 'Demand time fence type' field. This field indicates how the demand time fence is specified.

  6. Start 'Stock Location. Open' (MMS010). On the E panel, check that the Allocable field is activated.

  7. Start 'Warehouse. Open' (MMS005) and open the G panel.

  8. Fill in the 'Demand time fence override by priority' fields. This function will be used if the 'Planning date' field in (MMS189/E) is left blank.

  9. For the order types (CRS200, OIS010, PMS120), the following settings should be defined:

    • The 'Next manual function' field: Select 3, 4, 5, 6 or 7
    • The '225 Default priority' field: Select a default priority for the order type
    • The 255 'Dispatch policy' field: Select a dispatch policy that has its '040 Released for picking' field deactivated (No=0)
    • The '320 Allow allocation below safety stock' field: Activate this field (Yes=1)
  10. Start 'Dispatch Policy' (MWS010):

    • The 'Auto level' field: Select 3 or 4.
    • The '030 Released for allocation' field: Select 1=No or 2=Yes.
    • The '040 Released for picking' field: Deactivate (No=0). Important!
    • The '290 Allocation check' field: Deactivate (No=0).