Lot Handling in the Manufacturing Flow

This process document explains how lot control management is handled in the manufacturing flow.


A lot number or an item with a serial number is created when the manufactured product is put into stock. A quantity is split into the created lots.

The process is used to handle lots and serial numbers in the manufacturing flow.

An item with a lot number is stored in the MILOMA file. Transaction history about a lot is stored in the MITTRA file.

Before you start

  • Basic item data is set.
  • Basic data for inventory management is set.
  • Lot settings are specified.
  • A manufacturing order is created.
  • You must be familiar with the manufacturing flow to understand the concept of lots in manufacturing.

Follow these steps

  1. When a receipt is reported in 'Manufacturing Order. Report Receipt' (PMS050/E), a lot number is created either automatically or manually, depending on which lot number method is selected on the E panel in 'Item. Open' (MMS001/E). For an item that has auto-lot numbering set up, a manual lot ID can be specified as long as the lot has not been previously attached to another order reference.

  2. Lot numbers can be received and created on the (PMS050/E) panel if one lot is to be reported or if different lot numbers are to be reported and the created lot number method set to manual creation of lot numbers on the (MMS001/E) panel.

  3. Lots have to be created in 'Lot/Serial Number. Open/Connect to Item' (MMS235) if more than one lot is to be reported or if different lot numbers are to be reported and the ‘Lot number method’ field is set to automatic creation of numbers on the (MMS001/E) panel.

  4. After lots are created in (MMS235), the lot numbers can be reported on the (PMS050/E) panel.