Settings for Package-Based Picking and Picking Capacity Split

This document explains how you define settings for package-based picking and for splitting the picking capacity.


You can perform package-based picking and you can split picking capacity.

Defining settings for package-based picking and for splitting picking capacity updates the following M3 tables:

  • Picking capacity - MPICAP (MWS175)
  • Stock zone - MITARE (MMS040)
  • Warehouse equipment - MITEQU (MWS023)
  • Item per warehouse – MITBAL (MMS002)
  • Pack parameters – CSYPAR (CRS706); Headings for the (MWS423/H)
  • Dispatch policy – MHDIPO (MWS010)

Package-based picking enables you to pick packages that are already packed or to pick individual items that make up a package.

Package-based picking is useful for companies that have the following requirements:

  • Large volumes of split picks
  • Large volumes of full-pallet picks or full-package picks.

Picking capacity split is a function that separates the different picking list lines into reasonable picking workloads. Several capacity fields control how the capacity is split.

Picking capacity split is useful for companies that have high picking volumes.

Before you start

You must define the settings for the dispatch flow that you want to use. Refer to the following documents:

See Basic Settings for Dispatch Handling

See Define Settings for Picking Resource Planning

See Define Settings for Transportation Management

See Define Settings for Packing

Follow these steps

Note: These steps only refer to settings for package-based picking and picking capacity split. Also, you must have defined the settings for the current dispatch flow that you want to use. See the references in the 'Before Starting' section.

Basic settings for package-based picking

  1. Start 'Dispatch Policy. Open' (MWS010). Select the value in the fields that are mandatory for package-based picking.

  2. Optional: Define the user-defined fields that will be displayed on the 'Delivery. Connect Packages' (MWS423/H) panel. Open 'Settings – Packing' (CRS706). On the E panel you create the three headings for the package alias.

    For example, you can assign each package with an ID that is supplied by the forwarder, such as "UPS tracking number."

Settings for wave picking lists

  1. On the (MWS010/E) panel you must select setting 090 (Picking resource planning).
  2. Start 'Picking List. Plan Pickers' (MWS415). Open the P panel and select wave creation. The 'Picking capacity split' field is displayed. Select the picking capacity split.

Settings for displaying alternate unit of measures

  1. In 'Picking List. Report Lines' (MWS422) you can display alternate U/Ms for an item.
    Note: The basic U/M must be fully converted to the alternate U/M without any remainder. Otherwise, the basic U/M will be displayed.
  2. Start 'Item. Connect Warehouse' (MMS002). Open the G panel. Select alternate U/M. The alternate U/M is defined in 'Item. Connect Alternate U/M' (MMS015). See Define Alternate Unit of Measure.

Settings for picking list capacity

These settings define the picking list capacities. They also define when the picking list or wave picking list should be split into a new picking list or wave picking list.

Define picking time per item or location type

  1. Start 'Item. Connect Picking Time' (MMS405). You can define the picking time for each item, each distribution technology group, or each location type. The 'Normal quantity' field is optional.

    This field can be useful if you have several records within the same location type and want to have different pick times for them.

    The distribution group technology is defined in 'Distribution Group Technology. Open' (MMS043) and is connected to a location type in (MMS057).

  2. Open the E panel and specify the fields.

Create an object control table for picking capacity

  1. Start 'Available Object Control Parameters. Open' (CMS016). Select Picking List Capacity (MWS175) and select option 11-'Object table detailed lines'.
  2. 'Generic Object Control Table. Open' (CMS017/B) is started. Set the 'Panel sequence' field to E (T) 1.
  3. On the (CMS017/E) panel specify the following:
    • Priorities from 1 to 10 in the Priority fields.
    • By default, sequence 10 corresponds to priority 1, sequence 20 to priority 2, and so on up to sequence 100, which corresponds to priority 10.
    • The 'Field 1(2, 3, and 4)' fields with the selected fields from the field group MWKVE. Press F4 to select the valid fields.
    • Gray fields (not editable) have records created in 'Picking List Capacity. Open' (MWS175).
  4. Press Enter. The T panel is displayed. Press Enter again and start (MWS175).

Create values for the object control table

  1. You must define values for the defined control fields. You must repeat this for each priority. To the right of the 'Priority' field you can view all priorities defined for this event/sequence number.

  2. On the (MWS175/B) panel, specify the values for the fields.

    The 'Value 1, (2, 3 and 4)' fields are the first, second, third, and fourth values to be compared to the contents of a control object.

  3. Specify the fields on the (MWS175/E) panel. Select the fields to be entered depending on whether the capacity is for a picking list or a wave picking list. For more information about wave picking, see Wave Picking.

    You can now perform the dispatch process with package-based picking.

Parameters to set

Program ID/ Panel


The field indicates …


070 Calculate estimated picking time

…whether estimated picking times should be calculated and saved when a picking list is created.

The calculation is based on the picking time table in (MMS405). See below.

You must select this check box if the picking capacity split is based on picking time.


090 Picking resource planning

…whether picking resource planning is used.

Note: You must select this check box if you want to use picking capacity for wave picking lists.

For more information about wave picking, see Wave Picking.


110 Printer control

…how picking lists are split, as well as the printer used to print the picking lists.

The picking list is always printed on the printer that is set for the stock zone unless there are multiple stock zones.

The valid alternative is:

3 = The picking list is split by stock zone and warehouse equipment. The warehouse equipment used is as defined for each item/warehouse (MMS002) or location (MMS010). Each picking list is printed on the corresponding printer for each stock zone.

This alternative is required when you use picking capacity split. It determines a unique combination of stock zone and warehouse equipment for each individual picking list. This information is later used to retrieve the picking capacity values defined in 'Picking List Capacity. Open' (MWS175).


115 Picking capacity split

Select the check box to split the picking capacity.

The picking release activity will attempt to split one picking list into several based on the capacity constraints defined in 'Picking List Capacity. Open' (MWS175).


170 Partial reporting allowed

…whether picking lists can be partially reported during pick line reporting in MWS422 and for which packed statuses.

When you report a package-based pick, the actual reporting is always partial. Based on this, an alternative must be selected from 1 to 6.


175 Pick reporting level

…the level on which the picking is reported.

The valid alternatives are:

1 = Pick line. Each pick line will be displayed and reported (MITALO). This alternative does not assume that the pack is reported before the pick is reported.

2 = Package. Each package detail line will be displayed and reported. This alternative assumes that the pack is reported before the pick is reported.

You must select alternative 2 in order to use package-based picking.


240 Packing reporting

…the packing and packing reporting method used.

The valid alternatives are:

2 = Manual advanced packing

3 = Automatic advanced packing when picking list is moved to a packing location

4 = Automatic advanced packing when picking list is created.

If picking capacity constraints are set for a number of packages for each picking list, you must select alternative 4.

For more information about the packing settings, see Define Settings for Packing.


460 Move in partial mode

Select the check box to move a picking list line or a package detail line to a packing location or docking location in (MWS422) in partial mode. If the check box not is selected, the quantity that not is moved (the remaining quantity) will be considered as a backorder quantity. The check box must be selected.


Wave creation

…whether a picking wave is created and a wave picking list printed.

Select the check box if wave handling is used and a wave picking list should be printed.


Wave line creation

…if and how the wave picking list is printed.

The valid alternatives are 0, 1, 2, and 3.


Picking capacity split

Select the check box to indicate that picking capacity should be split for wave picking lists.

If you select this, the pick release activity will attempt to split one picking list into several based on the capacity constraints defined in 'Picking List Capacity. Open' (MWS175).

The picking capacity split is an individual user setting because one wave can consist of many deliveries with different settings in MWS010/E setting 115.

Note: You must select this check box if you want to process picking capacity for wave picking lists.


Alternate U/M

…an alternate unit of measure (U/M) for the basic U/M for an item. An unlimited number of alternate U/Ms can be defined for each item.

You define the alternate U/Ms in 'Item. Connect Alternate U/M' (MMS015).

Enter the alternate U/M if you must report picking based on a different U/M than the basic U/M.

Note: The basic U/M must be fully converted to the alternate U/M without any remainder. Otherwise, the basic U/M will be displayed.

For more information, see Define Alternate Unit of Measure.


User-defined field - package alias 1,2,3

…the field heading used for the field Package alias 1, 2 and 3.

The headings entered as package alias 1, 2 and 3 are alternatives to the M3 package number in 'Delivery. Connect Packages' (MWS423/H). These headings appear on the (MWS423/H) panel where they describe how the package alias fields 1, 2 and 3 are used.

For example, you can assign each package with an ID that is supplied by the forwarder, such as "UPS tracking number."

These are not mandatory.

Settings for Picking List Capacity


Normal storage quantity

…a quantity used to distinguish between different picking times within the same location type.

For example, this can be useful for a picking location that also contains broken packages. This information is optional.


Picking setup time

…the normal time used to pick an item regardless of quantity.

The picking setup time can be entered in hours, minutes, or seconds, depending on the time unit.

The picking setup time is used to calculate the estimated picking time for a picking list.

This value, together with the value in the 'Max pick time' field on the (MWS175/E) panel, determine when a picking list should be split.


Picking time

…the normal time needed to pick an item depending on quantity.

The picking time is defined per time quantity and can be entered in hours, minutes, or seconds, depending on the time unit. Regardless of how the picking time is defined, it is always displayed in hours or part of an hour.

The picking time is used to calculate the estimated picking time for a picking list.

This value, together with value in the 'Max pick time' field on the (MWS175/E) panel, determine when a picking list should be split.


Object control parameter

…the available object control parameter, where you can define your objects and values.

Select 'Pick List Capacity' - MWS175.

These values are generated automatically when you first enter CMS016 for the installation. If you have upgraded CMS016 you might need to press F14 to create any new values.


These fields are not changeable.



…the view.

Views are user defined, and determine the fields that are displayed and how the data is calculated. They are defined in (CRS020). See .


Program name

…the program that is used for the object control table. In this case it is MWS175.


Field 1 ,2 ,3, 4

…a field or data element from a specific file.

It is used to create keys or search paths for user-defined tables and to create the contents of user-defined files.



…the status of the object control setting.

10 = Preliminary

20 = Definite

90 = Deactivated.

Only status 20 is used in the dispatch flow.



…the order in which each information field is displayed.

By default, sequence 10 corresponds to priority 1, sequence 20 to priority 2, and so on up to sequence 100, which corresponds to priority 10.


To move an object control line from priority 2 to 1, assign the sequence number for the line a number between 11 and 19. Press Enter. The line is then placed in the correct order.



…a priority for the selected fields.

The object lookup is always performed in priority order. If no qualified objects are found according to priority one, M3 will try to find matching objects according to priority two, and so on.



…a field or data element from a specific file.

It is used to create keys or search paths for user-defined tables and also to create the contents of user-defined files.

Note: These fields will be protected if entries are found in (MWS175). That means that you cannot enter these fields if they are in use.


Field group

…a grouping of several fields from different files that regulate matrix entries. In this case, the MWKVE field group can be selected.

Field groups are system defined and cannot be changed.



…the table priority from the table in (CMS017). When M3 searches for document event triggers, object value entries are searched in priority sequence, from 0 to 9, until a matching set of object values is found.

All available priorities are displayed to the right and are separated by a slash, for example 0/1/2.



…the object values that must match for the given fields in (CMS017/E) to cause the picking activities entered in the corresponding (MWS175/E) panel to be produced.


Start value 1 can be Warehouse (OQWHLO). Select a warehouse by pressing F4=Prompt. Start value 2 can be stock zone (PISLTP). Select a stock zone by pressing F4.


Max packages

…the maximum number of packages that one picking list or one wave picking list can contain. The calculation of the number of packages included on the picking list or wave picking list assumes that the packing is reported before the picking list or wave picking list is released.

The maximum number of packages field is used to split picking lists or wave picking lists into reasonable workloads when the picking list capacity is split.

A capacity value of zero indicates that no split should be based on the number of packages.


Max weight

…the maximum gross weight that one picking list or wave picking list can contain.

The gross weight is calculated as the total item gross weight included on the picking list or wave picking list.

The maximum gross weight field is used to split picking lists or wave picking lists into reasonable workloads when the picking list capacity is split.

A capacity value of zero indicates that no split should be based on the gross weight.


Max volume

…the maximum volume that one picking list or wave picking list can contain. The volume is calculated as the total item gross weight included on the picking list or wave picking list.

The maximum volume field is used to split picking lists or wave picking lists into reasonable workloads when the picking list capacity is split.

A capacity value of zero indicates that no split should be based on the volume.


Max pick time

…the maximum pick time that one picking list or wave picking list can contain. The pick time is calculated as the total pick time for all included picking list lines. The maximum pick time field is used to split picking lists or wave picking lists into reasonable workloads when the picking list capacity is split. A capacity value of zero indicates that no split should be based on the pick time.


Max pick lines

…the maximum number of pick lines that one picking list or wave picking list can contain. The number of pick lines is calculated as the total of all allocations included on the picking list.

The maximum number of pick lines field is used to split picking lists or wave picking lists into reasonable workloads when the picking list capacity is split.

A capacity value of zero indicates that no split should be based on the number of pick lines.