MHS850MI Transaction AddPickViaRepNo

MHS850MI AddPickViaRepNo supports reporting of one picking list line.

The related qualifier is PLRN.

The reporting number is mandatory and identifies a unique picking list line.

The balance ID to pick must be identified by its location, lot number, and container number as applicable.

Note: The item number does not need to be provided as the information is available on the picking list being reported.

If packaging is provided, a package is created on the delivery, and item is reported as manually packed.

If an existing package number is provided, the quantity is packaged in the provided package.

This transaction is not recommended for package-based reporting. When reporting is performed at package level, it is recommended to use package based transactions.

This transaction can be run with UTC mode activated, which means that all dates and times provided are considered being UTC time and will be converted to local warehouse time.