Delivery Receipt Confirmation

This document explains how you perform delivery confirmations.

The simple delivery receipt confirmation permits reporting of delivery receipt, with no details on dates and quantities.

The detailed receipt confirmation permits reporting at a detailed level in 'Delivery Receipt Confirmation. Report' (MWS429). In (MWS429), received quantity and receiving date can be reported.


Simple delivery receipt confirmation is for users that require a final step in the dispatch handling, confirming receipt of a delivery by a receiver.

Detailed delivery receipt confirmation is for users that must provide the tax authorities with documentation on the receipt of goods by a receiver in another EU country for the tax authorities to accept invoices without VAT.

Detailed delivery receipt confirmation enables more detailed reporting of received deliveries. In M3 BE the step is called 'Delivery Receipt Confirmation' because it can be used even when it is not required for tax purposes.


For detailed delivery receipt confirmation, there cannot be several dates reported on one and the same delivery line.

Text cannot be specified manually in (MWS429) and then transferred into the confirmation document.

Detailed delivery receipt confirmation cannot be performed from 'CO Delivery. Approve' (OIS155).

Workflow for simple delivery confirmation

This workflow includes these programs:

  • 'Dispatch Policy. Open' (MWS010)
  • 'Delivery. Open Toolbox' (MWS410)
  • 'CO Delivery. Open' (OIS150)
  • 'CO Delivery. Approve' (OIS155).

If the 'Delivery receipt confirmation' field is set to 1-'Simplified' in (MWS010), a confirmation that delivery is received is required on the delivery before it is closed.

After pick reporting is completed, the delivery progress status is set to 60-'Not received'.

The delivery is closed and reaches status 90-'Completed' only when the delivery is received by the receiver. This is reported during the delivery receipt confirmation using one of these options:

  • Using option 41='Confirm Receipt' in (MWS410).
  • Using API MWS410MI, transaction CnfRcptDlix.
  • Approving the proof of delivery in (OIS150) or (OIS155). This is only possible for simplified delivery receipt confirmation, and authorized by the dispatch policy parameter 'Synchronization with proof of delivery' in (MWS010). This applies only to customer orders.

Receipt quantity and receiving date are not reported.

When the delivery receipt confirmation is made, the delivery status is set to 90-'Completed'.

This table shows delivery status of the delivery header:

Status Description
60 Fully reported, not received.
90 Closed receipt, fully reported.

Workflow for detailed delivery confirmation

This workflow includes these programs:

  • 'Dispatch Policy. Open' (MWS010)
  • 'Delivery. Open Toolbox' (MWS410)
  • 'Delivery. Connect Packages' (MWS423)
  • 'Country. Open' (CRS045)
  • 'Delivery Receipt Confirmation. Report' (MWS429)

When a delivery is created, M3 BE verifies that 'Tax delivery confirmation' in (CRS045) is enabled for a specific country.

If fiscal representation is used, this will affect which country the tax delivery confirmation is read from. If fiscal representation is not used, the country of the sending warehouse is used.

If 'Tax delivery confirmation' is enabled, function program CCHKIFV (Check if VAT) verifies that the delivery is tax free. If it is, the 'Delivery receipt confirmation' field is set to 3-'Mandatory' on (MWS410/E) after pick reporting is completed. The field is not editable. It displays that a detailed delivery receipt confirmation is required.

If the delivery is not tax free, the 'Delivery receipt confirmation' field keeps the initial value from parameter DLCN in (MWS010) after pick reporting. When DLCN in (MWS410) is set to 2-'Detailed', it is editable. This enables you to choose between detailed, simplified or no confirmation at all.

If 'Delivery receipt confirmation' has value '2' or '3', you must perform a detailed delivery receipt confirmation in (MWS429). By selecting option 41 on a delivery in either (MWS410) or (MWS423), you proceed to (MWS429). In (MWS429), receiving quantity and receiving date are reported. By selecting option 41 in (MWS423), you filter a delivery by package in (MWS429). Depending on how many quantities are reported and how detailed reporting is done in (MWS429), the statuses of the lines will be updated differently and the delivery status in (MWS410) will be updated accordingly.

This flowchart illustrates how the statuses are updated when different actions are selected, and what the different statuses mean:

This table shows delivery status of the lines:

Status Description

Not received. No receipt reporting has been done. (RCQT=0)

Status is set back to 60 when a line is reset.

65 Deviating quantity reported. More, or less than delivered quantity has been reported as received quantity. (RCQT<>0 and <>DLQT)
66 Full quantity reported. (RCQT=DLQT)
90 Full quantity reported and closed.
95 Deviating quantity reported and closed.

This table shows delivery status of the delivery header:

Status Description
60 Not received. No detailed receipt reporting has been done on any line. (RCQT=0)
62 The delivery receipt confirmation document has been printed.
65 Deviating quantity reported on at least one line. More, or less than delivered quantity has been reported as received quantity. (RCQT<>0 and <>DLQT)
66 Full quantity reported on all lines. (RCQT=DLQT)
90 Full quantity reported on all lines and all lines are closed.
95 Deviating quantity on at least one line and all lines are closed.


When using detailed delivery confirmation, a delivery sent to a customer is closed with the reported quantity received and receiving date specified. The delivery is tax free.

Before you start

  • Check box TDLC on 'Country. Open' (CRS045/E) must be selected for the country where the sending warehouse is located.
  • For customer orders, the supplier must be set on the sending warehouse.
  • For distribution orders, the supplier must be set on the sending warehouse and customer must be set on the receiving warehouse.
  • VAT registration number (field VRNO) must be specified for the supplier on the sending warehouse on 'Supplier. Open' (CRS620/E).
  • Tax applicable (field TXAP) must be set to 1-'Yes, from item/whs' on the supplier set on the sending warehouse on 'Supplier. Define Purchase & Financial' (CRS624/F).
  • VAT registration number (field VRNO) must be specified for the customer on 'Customer. Open' (CRS610/J). For distribution orders, it must be specified for the customer on the receiving warehouse.
  • Tax applicable (field TXAP) must be set to 1-'Yes' on the customer on (CRS610/J). For distribution orders, it must be set for the customer on the receiving warehouse.

Follow these steps

  1. Create a customer order or a distribution order.

  2. Open 'Delivery. Open Toolbox' (MWS410).

  3. Report the delivery as picked. This sets the delivery status to 60-'Not received'.

    Depending on the status of the delivery, you may need to allocate, release for pick, or pack.

  4. Select related option 41='Confirm receipt'. 'Delivery Receipt Confirmation. Report' (MWS429) is opened.

  5. Select related option 14='Packages'. 'Delivery. Connect Packages' (MWS423) is opened.

  6. Select related option 41='Confirm receipt' for a package. 'Delivery Receipt Confirmation. Report' (MWS429) is opened.

  7. Report the receipt quantity and receiving date.

  8. Select related option 42='Close receipt' in (MWS410) or F16='Close' in (MWS429).

This flowchart illustrates the steps and their outcome:

This table shows the settings descriptions:

Program ID Field heading Description
(CRS045/E) TDLC Select the check box if deliveries from the specific base country should include a tax delivery confirmation.



DLCN The field indicates whether the delivery receipt confirmation should be used and how for a delivery.