Freight Accessorials


The functionality enables you to add additional data to a shipment, delivery or delivery line that is relevant to that shipment or delivery. An example is information about the transportation equipment needed to transport the goods, like a cold truck for keeping the goods at a certain temperature, or additional services like truck cleaning.

In the solution, you can set up a list of available accessorials or a predefined set of accessorials in an object-controlled selection table that will be retrieved automatically when the shipment, delivery or delivery line is created.

After you add the accessorials to the shipment, delivery or delivery line, you can manually change or delete them. You can also manually add accessorials.

The accessorials can be read, added, changed and deleted from systems external to M3 using APIs.


The requirement is the capability to add accessorials for each shipment, delivery and delivery line. The accessorials must be retrievable from a system external to M3.


The quantity of an accessorial does not depend on data from the shipment, delivery or the delivery line. For example, the quantity of an accessorial does not depend on the quantity of a delivery line or the total weight of the goods for a delivery.

A maximum of 24 accessorials can be automatically connected to each level (each shipment, delivery or delivery line).

The accessorials are connected only when the shipment, delivery or delivery line is created. If any change is made to the shipment, delivery or delivery line, the system does not retrieve the accessorials again.

A freight accessorial is bound to one level. It cannot be used on any of the other levels.


  1. Enable the 'Accessorials pre-selection' setting in 'Settings - TPL Standard Values' (CRS728). This will permit the system to retrieve accessorials from the accessorials selection table when shipments, deliveries and delivery lines are created. This setting must be selected in order for accessorials to be retrieved on any level.

  2. Enable setting '490 Accessorial preselection' in 'Dispatch Policy. Open' (MWS010). This setting controls whether accessorials are retrieved for each delivery and delivery line.

  3. Enter the accessorials in the accessorials table in 'Freight Accessorials. Open' (DRS024).

  4. Define control objects for each priority in CMS017 for program 'Freight Accessorials. Selection Table' (MWS280).

Accessorials Master Table

All freight accessorials used in the system must be set up in the freight accessorials master table. This is managed in program 'Freight Accessorials. Open' (DRS024). A freight accessorial has the characteristics listed in the following table.

Field Description
Accessorial ID The identification of the freight accessorial.
Description A description of the freight accessorial.
Name The name of the freight accessorial.
Accessorial level

The accessorial level controls how a freight accessorial can be used when connecting accessorials to shipments, deliveries and delivery lines.

Only accessorials with accessorial level 1 can be connected to shipments. Only accessorials with accessorial level 2 can be connected to deliveries. Only those with level 3 can be connected to delivery lines.

Accessorial group Used to group accessorials together. The accessorials with the same value in this field belong to the same group.
Accessorial unit of measure A unit of measure can be defined for the accessorial to indicate how the accessorial’s quantity is measured. The unit of measure used must be a valid unit of measure as defined in 'Unit of Measure. Open' (CRS050).

Accessorials Selection Table

You define which accessorials are found and when the system searches for accessorials to connect to a delivery line, delivery or shipment in 'Freight Accessorials Selection Table. Open' (MWS280).

In this program, you can define up to 24 accessorials for each record. You define each such record for each accessorial level and you can define up to five control objects. For each accessorial you can define a quantity.

Ten priority levels can be used, and a different combination of control objects can be defined for each priority.

Retrieving Freight Accessorials

When a delivery line is created, the system automatically searches for accessorials with accessorial level 3 (Delivery line level) in the freight accessorials selection table. If a record in the selection table is found, the accessorials for that record are connected to the delivery line. If no record is found, then no accessorials will be connected.

Similarly, the system searches for accessorials with accessorial level 2 when a delivery is created and for accessorials with accessorial level 1 when a shipment is created.

After the accessorials are connected, they can be viewed in 'Delivery Accessorials. Open' (MWS417).

In order for the accessorials to be connected automatically, the correct setup must have been done. See the Setup section for more information.

Managing Connected Accessorials

You can manage the accessorials that are connected to shipments, deliveries and delivery lines in 'Delivery Accessorials. Open' (MWS417).

This program can be accessed from 'Shipment. Open Toolbox' (DRS100), 'Delivery. Open Toolbox' (MWS410) and 'Delivery. Open Line Toolbox' (MWS411) using option 57=Freight Accessorial.

Here, you can connect additional freight accessorials manually. You can also change the quantity of the accessorials or delete them.

You are only allowed to add a freight accessorial to the level for which is intended. Hence, it is only possible to add a freight accessorial with accessorial level 3 (Delivery line level) to a delivery line.

When a shipment, delivery or delivery line is deleted, the accessorials connected to it are also deleted.

When a delivery line is moved from a delivery to a new delivery, accessorials for the new delivery are automatically retrieved and connected to the new delivery. The accessorials on the delivery line remain as they were before the move to the new delivery. Any changes to the accessorials that were connected (if some were deleted, added or changed) are retained when moved. This is also true when a delivery line is moved to an existing delivery.

When a delivery is closed and there are delivery lines moved to a new delivery, the accessorials for the closed delivery, on the delivery level, are moved as they were from the closed delivery to the new delivery. The accessorials connected to the moved delivery lines are moved as described in the previous paragraph.

When a shipment is closed and there are deliveries connected to it that are not issued, the non-issued deliveries are moved to a new shipment. The accessorials for the new shipment are created as they were for the closed shipment. The accessorials for the deliveries that were moved from the closed shipment to the new shipment remain the same, as do the accessorials connected to the delivery lines for those deliveries.