Create an Item Numbering Rule and Connect It to an Item Type

This document explains how to create an item numbering rule and connect it to an item type. The numbering rule controls which item numbers you are allowed to register.


An item numbering rule, which is well defined according to your needs, will have been created. The item numbering rule defines how item numbers are constructed. One example of such a rule is that only certain letters or numbers may be allowed for an item number. Another example of an item numbering rule is that the item number will be given a certain length.

Numbering rules are stored in the MITNUM table.

You use numbering rules when you register item numbers in 'Item. Open' (MMS001). By using numbering rules, you will minimize the risk of making errors. For example, only the allowed item numbers will be accepted.

When you have large volumes of items to register, part of the item number can be predefined in 'Item Numbering Rule. Define Component' (MWS051).

Before You Start

Item type must have been defined in 'Item Type. Open' (CRS040).

Follow These Steps

  1. To create an item numbering rule, start 'Item Numbering Rule. Open' (MWS050/B).

  2. Select panel sequence.

    This instruction is based on sequence E1, where 1 starts 'Item Numbering Rule. Define Component' (MWS051).

  3. Choose option 'Create/Select'. Fill in a short name for your numbering rule.

  4. Fill in the 'Number Type' field.

  5. Fill in a Description for the numbering rule.

  6. Fill in the length of your item numbering rule.

    For item type=1, the maximum is 15 positions, for item type=2 it is 30 positions.

  7. Fill in the 'Skip Blank' field.

    Alternative 1 is used if you do not want blanks to be displayed, except when the blank has the function of a separator. Alternative 0 is used if you want blanks to be displayed.

  8. For Character list, choose from between the following alternatives:

  9. If you want to select one of the already existing character lists, prompt F4 once in the Character List field and select one of the lists. Press Enter and go to step 16 'Define Components for Numbering Rules'.

  10. If you want to create a new character list, go to step 11.

  11. To create a new character list, press F4 twice in the Character list field. This starts 'Character List. Open.' (CRS039/B). Choose 'Create/Select' and a name in the List field. The characters in the list will be the only ones allowed for the item number.

  12. Fill in the Description field.

  13. Specify all the letters or numbers allowed for the item number in the 'Allowed Characters' field. When you press Enter, the B panel is redisplayed. Select your created character list and return to (MWS050/E) by pressing enter.

    If you do not define a character list, all characters will be allowed in the item number.

  14. Press Enter and 'Item Numbering Rule. Define Component' (MWS051) will be started (if the panel sequence is E1).

  15. Selecting option 11 on the (MWS050/B) panel also starts (MWS051).

  16. To define components for the numbering rule on 'Item Numbering Rule. Define Component' (MWS051/B), fill in the 'From Position' field. The 'From position' and 'To position' fields show which parts of the item number are defined by a specific rule component.

  17. Choose one of the qualifiers in the Qualifier field.

  18. Open the E panel and fill in the appropriate fields. The fields that will be displayed depend on the selected qualifier. Press Enter.

  19. If you want to check your newly created item numbering rule, you may use the option 12=Simulate on the (MWS050/B) panel.. This starts 'Item Numbering Rule. Simulate' (MWS052/E). The simulated item number will be displayed.

  20. To connect to an item type, start 'Item Type. Open' (CRS040/E). In the 'Numbering rule' field, press F4 once and select one of the numbering rules.

  21. Press Enter. Now you have connected your item numbering rule to an item type.

Parameters to Set

Program ID/ Panel Field The field indicates …
(MWS050/B) Numbering rule …the item numbering rule that defines how item and alias numbers should be created.
(MWS050/E) Number type

…the number type to which the item number refers. The valid alternatives are:

1='Item Numbering'

2='Alias Numbering'. An alias number is an alternative ID for an item. This could be an EAN code or a supplier's number.

(MWS050/E) Skip blanks

…whether blanks will be displayed or not. The valid alternatives are:

0=If you want blanks to be displayed

1=If you do not want blanks to be displayed, except when the blank has the function of a separator. For example, if you have chosen 1 in the 'Skip blanks' field and then write item number 124_5, this will be shown as 1245.

(MWS050/E) Character list …the characters that are valid when creating item numbers. If you specify a character list, only the specified characters will be allowed. If you do not specify a character list, all characters will be allowed.
(CRS039/B) Allowed characters …the characters allowed for the item number.
(MWS051/B) From position

…the position in the item number where the qualifier starts to be valid.

For example, if you have the item number 795484 and have given the value 3 in the 'From position' field, and the value 5 in the 'To position' field, then the qualifier will only be valid for the numbers 5, 4 and 8 in the item number.

(MWS051/B) Qualifier

…the number component qualifier, which defines the object upon which the number component is based.

The valid alternatives are:

1= Manually entered values are a value from (MMS001)

2 = Object – based on a field in (MITMAS)

3 = Constant – could be an alphanumeric value

4 = Sequence – consists of a series of numbers in order, such as 3, 4, 5

5 = Number series – you may give your own number series

6 = Feature – used for fashion, could be quality, size or color

7 = Option – used for giving more details about the features

8 = Feature group (only used in the fashion flow. Based on the values of X, Y and Z)

9 = Check digit – the last number in the EAN or UPC code. This last number is a check number that is given by the rest of the code.

10 = Separator.

(CRS040/E) Numbering rule …the item type to which the numbering rule should be connected.