Create Quick Physical Inventory

This document explains how to take a quick physical inventory, which is a way of entering or adjusting on-hand balances in the system without going through the entire physical inventory flow.

You use quick inventory when you need to take inventory of separate items or when you just want to correct the on-hand balances. This is also a way of updating the on-hand balances in M3 from other systems, for example in a go-live situation.


On-hand balances have been adjusted and updated.

For information on the uses of physical inventory, refer to Taking Physical Inventory

The MITLOC table is updated with new or adjusted on-hand balances.

Before you start

Follow These Steps

  1. Start the 'Physical Inventory. Quick Entry' (MMS310/B) panel. On this panel, all items, locations and selected warehouses are displayed.

  2. If you want to enter a new on-hand balance, enter the item number and location and create a new connection.

  3. Select the line of the item for which you want to update the on-hand balance.

  4. To determine the new on-hand balance for this location, fill in the 'Physical inventory quantity' field on the (MMS310/E) panel. Click Next.

    The new on-hand balance will be displayed on the B panel.

  5. If the quantity is outside the allowed variances, you have to approve the inventory manually by specifying alternative 2 in the 'Status – physical inventory' field.

    The allowed inventory variances are defined in 'Settings. Physical Inventory Variances' (CRS717).

  6. Click Exit.