Change Location for Balance Identity

This instruction explains how to change the location for a balance identity.


Balance identity is moved from one location to another. This is used to move only a certain quantity - not all of the items at a location.

All physical stock transactions are stored in the MITTRA file.

Before you start

  • On the 'Item. Open' (MMS001/E) panel, enter parameter 1 in the 'Inventory accounting' field.
  • On the 'Item. Connect Warehouse' (MMS002/G) panel, enter parameter 2 or 3 in the 'Storage method' field (storage at several locations).

Follow these steps

  1. Open 'Movement. Change Location – Balance ID' (MMS177).

  2. On the A panel fill in the 'Item number' field. Enter the location you want to move from in the Location field.

  3. Press Enter. Information about the selected item and location are displayed on the right side of the panel. The 'Movable net quantity' field indicates the movable quantity which is calculated as:

    Allocable quantity minus allocated quantity is equal to movable quantity. Allocated quantity is defined on the (MMS177/P) panel.

  4. On the (MMS177/P) panel. Fill in the 'Create Issue' field, which determines whether the transaction should update the MITTRA file.

  5. Fill in the 'Check picking list quantity only' field. This field defines the allocated quantity. The valid alternatives are:

    0 = All allocation are included in the calculation.

    1 = Only allocation on the picking list are included in the calculation.

  6. Press Enter. The (MMS177/A) panel is redisplayed.

  7. Fill in the 'Lot no.,' Container and 'Catch weight' fields, if applicable. Fill in the Quantity field. Press Enter. 'Location Select – Available Locations' (MMS160/B) is started.

    This panel displays all available locations where this item can be stored. Pressing F16 displays all the location the item has been stored at. Pressing F15 redisplays all available locations.

  8. The 'Auto distribution of balance' field, on the (MMS160/P) panel, enables you to specify whether any quantities should be proposed on the (MMS160/B) panel’s proposed locations.

  9. Mark the location you want to move the items to and right-click (option 1 = Select). You can select more than one location. Press Enter. The selected location(s) is displayed on the (MMS160/K) panel.

  10. Enter the quantity and press Enter, Press F14 to update. The (MMS177/A) panel is redisplayed.

    The most recent transaction is displayed on the lower part of the A panel.

    Pressing F17 starts 'Balance Identity. Display (MMS060)'.