Create and Use Item Hierarchy Structure

This document explains how you create and use item hierarchy structure.


  • An Item Hierarchy Structure is created. Vertical and a horizontal search can be done.
  • Item hierarchy structure can be displayed in some programs.
  • Item hierarchy fields be used as a path for user-defined tables, and also to create the contents of user-defined files:

The main use is to give the possibility to search for items in a structured way and to have statistics on other terms than we have today. Item hierarchy fields be used as a path for user-defined tables, and also to create the contents of user-defined files:

  • The Item master (MITMAS) table is changed.
  • The System parameters (CSYPAR) table is changed.
  • The Item hierarchy definitions (MITHRY) table is new.

Before you start

Items are registered; see Create and Connect Item to a Warehouse Structure.

Follow These Steps

Create an Item Hierarchy Structure

  1. Start 'User Defined Fields. Settings' (CRS704). On the E panel you define the length of the Item hierarchy level fields.

    Each field can contain a maximum of 15 characters. The maximum allowed for all five fields together is also 15 characters. So if you assign each field a length of 5 characters, then you can only have 3 levels (5*3=15). If each field has 2 characters, you can permit 5 levels (2*5=10, max allowed=15).

  2. The 'Number of positions' field is entered with the total length of the 'Item hierarchy level' fields together.

    If you allow 3 characters per field and 4 levels, then the Number of position field should be entered with 12.

  3. The 'Use of group' field determines the rules for the search groups. Search groups can be used as a complement to do a horizontal search.

    Valid alternatives in the 'Use of group' fields are:

    0 = Search group not used .Not displayed in (MMS001/M)

    1 = Search group used as free fields. No validations performed.

    2 = Default search group identities from item hierarchies identities, possible to change.

    3 = Default search group identities from item hierarchies identities. Not possible to change.

    The 'Default text' field indicates if there should be default text displayed from level above (0 = No, 1 = Yes).

  4. Start 'Item Hierarchy. Open' (MMS021). Here you built the structure and make the relations between the levels.

  5. On the B panel, fill in the Level field with 1=Highest level. Enter the 'Hierarchy Id' field in accordance with the identity rules set in (CRS704).

  6. On the E panel fill in the Description and Name fields.

    In the 'Search group' field on the (MMS021/E) panel, press F4 twice. 'Search Group. Open' (MMS022) will be displayed. This field is defaulted if rule 2 or 3 is used (see above).

    On the (MMS022/B) panel, fill in the field Search group level with the appropriate level.

    In the 'Search group' field, you fill in the identity for the search group according to the rules set up in (CRS704).

    On the E panel fill in the Description and Name fields and press ENTER.

    The B panel is redisplayed. Choose your created search group and press Enter. On the (MMS021/E) panel your chosen search group will be displayed.

  7. Go back to the (MMS021/B) panel by pressing F12 and continue with level 2. The settings in (CRS704) determine the number of allowed levels.

    Example: The allowed number of characters for the hierarchy id is 2.

    Level Hierarchy Id

    1 10

    2 1020 1021

    3 102030

    4 10203040

  8. In 'Search Group. Open' (MMS022) you define search groups (optional), which is a free field without any table behind it that can be used as a complement to the item hierarchies. The purpose of the search group is to allow a horizontal search. The use of item search groups is controlled by (CRS704). A search group can be linked to an item hierarchy in (MMS021).

    Start 'Item. Open' (MMS001). On the M panel you connect the item to the right place in the structure. Fill in the 'Hierarchy level' fields, which are defined in (MMS021). Fill also in the 'Search group' fields. These fields are defaulted if rule 2 or 3 is used (see above).

    Example of (MMS001/M). Rule 1='Search groups as free fields' is used:

    Item no 4515 Normal sales item

    Hierarchy lvl 1 AA Dan Computer

    Hierarchy lvl 2 AAB2 Dan Computer Hardware

    Hierarchy lvl 3 AAB2C1 Dan Computer Hardware Hdd

    Hierarchy lvl 4 AAB2C1D1 Dan Computer Hardware Hdd Fast

    Search group 1. AA Dan Computer

    Search group 2. B2 Dan Computer Hardware

    Search group 3. C2 Dan Computer Hardware Ram

    Search group 4. D1 Dan Computer Hardware Ram Fast

Displaying Item Hierarchy Structure

Items Hierarchy can, for example, be displayed in by create a user defined view the must contain the following fields: HIE1, HIE2, HIE3 and HIE4.

In the warehouse area, item hierarchy structure can be displayed in following programs:

Field Group Program
MM200 Item toolbox (MMS200)
MMKV1 Item toolbox (MMS200)
MMIT1 Views supply chains (MWS051)
MMPV5 Stock transactions (MWS070)
MWPV2 Balance id (MWS068)

Using Item hierarchy Fields as a Path for User-Defined Tables, and as Contents of User-Defined Files

In following programs can item hierarchy fields be used as a path for user-defined tables, and also to create the contents of user-defined files:

Field Group Program
MMAD1 Allocation control table (MMS123)
MMAD2 Allocation control location (MMS124)
MMAD3 Joint allocation rules, groups (CRS016/MWS125/E)
MMAD4 Joint allocation rules (CRS016/MWS125)
MMAD5 Cross dock location matrix (CRS016/MWS130)