Move a Picking List Line to a Packing or Docking Location

In MHS850MI interface, for pick transactions, the issue/move mode (ISMD) determines which type of move is performed.

  • issue/move mode (ISMD) must be set to 1 for movement to a packing location
  • issue/move mode (ISMD) must be set to 2 for movement to a docking location

The default packing or docking location in 'Item. Connect Warehouse' (MMS002) is used unless a specific To location is entered.

Partial movements to a packing or docking location are determined by the dispatch policy in 'Dispatch Policy. Open' (MWS010). If parameter 460 (Move in partial move) is selected, you can report part of the picking list line to the packing or docking location. If it is not selected, the remaining quantity will be considered to be a backorder quantity.

The issue/move mode in the transaction must be set to 1 for movement to a packing location and set to 2 for movement to a docking location. The default packing or docking location in (MMS002) is used unless a specific To location is entered.