MHS850MI Transaction AddCorrPickLine
The transaction MHS850MI AddCorrPickLine supports pick correction at package line level, or at pickling list line level if no packing is used.
The field 'Item number' (ITNO) is required together with picking list line details ('Stock transaction type' (TTYP), 'Order number' (RIDN), 'Order line' (RIDL), 'Order index' (RIDI) and 'Picking list suffix' (PLSX)).
The 'Package number' (PACN) is required for deliveries using packing method 2, 3, or 4 and refers to the package that should be adjusted.
The field 'Quantity Picked' (QTYP) refers to the quantity that was actually picked. If the delivery uses packing methods 0 or 1, 'Quantity Picked' refers to the quantity that was actually picked on the picking list line. If the delivery uses packing methods 2, 3, or 4, a 'Package number' (PACN) must be provided, and 'Quantity Picked' refers to the quantity actually picked in the package.
One picking list line with total of 25 pieces is packed into 2 packages: 10 pieces in package P1, and 15 pieces in package P2.
AddCorrPickLine performed for package P1 with quantity 9 pieces reverses 1 pieces back into stock.
AddCorrPickLine performed for package P2 with quantity 9 pieces reverses 6 pieces back into stock.
The field 'Catch weight' (CAWE) is required for catch weight items. 'Catch weight' refers to the catch weight of the 'Quantity Picked'. When packing is used, 'Catch weight' represents the actual weight for the item/lot/container in the specified package.
The field 'Location' (WHSL) is not required. If all transactions for the picking list line were performed from the same location, M3 BE can retrieve that information and perform the pick correction using this same location. If pick transactions were performed from several locations, the user must specify from which location the correction should be made. You cannot perform pick correction using a different location from the one used at picking.
The transaction AddCorrPickLine does not allow input of the reporting date and time. The time at which the transaction runs is considered to be the transaction time.
For sublot items, ‘Quantity picked’ (QTYP) and ‘Catch weight’ (CAWE) must be zero. No sublines can be added as pick correction is performed for all sublots that were picked for the provided order line, delivery, picking list suffix, package, lot, container and location. You cannot perform a pick correction of a sublot item at a more detailed level than stated here.
MHS850MI.AddCorrPickLine does not apply to kit items and non-stock items. MHS850MI.AddCorrPickLine does not apply to container management 7 items, except if the picking was earlier performed from a non-container managed location, where the item was not stored in a in-house package.
This transaction applies to transaction types 11, 31, 41, 51, and 92 only. You cannot, however, perform a pick correction with AddCorrPickLine for a sublot item issued on a replenishment order (transaction type 92).