MHS850MI Transaction AddMOPick

The purpose of the transaction MHS850MI AddMOPick (qualifier 11) is to report picking of material for a manufacturing order.

The material line on the manufacturing order must have issue method 1 (Picking List).

The picking list line must exist and must be hard or soft allocated.

These are the required input data:

  • 'Warehouse' (WHLO), 'Partner' (E0PA), 'Message type' (E065)
  • 'Manufacturing order number' (MFNO), 'Sequence number' (MSEQ)
  • 'Delivery number' and 'Picking list suffix'
  • 'Item', 'Lot', 'Container' and 'Location' to pick from
  • 'Quantity picked' (QTYP)

This transaction is not compatible with picking sublots, but you can pick sublots on a picking list for manufacturing orders using the transaction AddPickViaSblot (qualifier SUBL).

UTC mode can be activated, where the date and time provided is expressed in the UTC time zone instead of the location's warehouse time.