MMS850MI Transaction AddReclass

The purpose of this transaction is to reclassify the balance ID. It is controlled by the input field 'Calculation method' (CALT):

  • 0: New item
  • 1: Change status at location level

The calculation method is saved in 'Internal Stock Trans Msg. Manage' (MMS852) in the field CAMD in table MMIINS.

Calculation method 0

This method is used to reclassify to a new item number or new lot number.

Specify input field 'New item number' (NITN) to reclassify to a new item number.

Specify input field 'New lot number' (NBAN) to reclassify to a new lot number.

Specify input field 'Quantity' (QLQT) to reclassify part of the balance ID to a new item.

For sublot-managed items, this transaction can be used to reclassify from item X to item Y with the following restrictions.

Sublot management

  • Use case 1: Item X sublot = Yes and Item Y sublot = Yes - supported
  • Use case 2: Item X sublot = Yes and item Y sublot = No - supported
  • Use case 3: Item X sublot = No and Item Y sublot = Yes - NOT supported

Catch weight setup

  • Source and target items are using catch weight - supported
  • Source and target items are not using catch weight - supported
  • Mix - NOT supported

Container management

  • If the target item is containerized, the source must be containerized.
  • If the target item is not containerized, the source can be either containerized, or not.

Reclassed sublots use the 'Reference ID' (BANT) of the source sublot.

To reclassify a full balance ID of a sublot-managed item using calculation method 0, the sublines can be disregarded when the AddReclass transaction is used.

Calculation method 1

This method is used to change the status of a balance ID.

When calculation method 1 is used, the whole balance ID is reclassified to a new status.