Print, Pick, Pack and Report Picking Lists

This document describes how to control a picking list. The main areas are:

  • Define entry templates and some settings.
  • Dispatch a known identity.
  • Print a picking list.
  • Move to packing and/or docking locations.
  • Report a stock issue.
  • Report a picking deviation.
  • Correct a picking list.
  • Select a location for returning unused materials from the shop floor.
  • Print delivery documents.
  • Confirm delivery receipt.

A picking list consists of a delivery number plus a picking list suffix.

A delivery number can generate several picking lists for different reasons. Each picking list is assigned a unique sequence number (or suffix) that, together with the delivery number, builds up the identity of the picking list.

The first picking list is always assigned suffix 01, the next one suffix 02, and so on.


  • A picking list is released and ready to be printed.

    The picking list header is stored in the MHPICH table.

    A picking list line is defined as a record in the MITALO table after it has been released for picking.

  • A picking list is printed.
  • The goods can be moved to a packing location.
  • The goods are reported as taken out of stock, and the picking list is reported as completed.
  • Picking corrections can be made.
  • If the delivery value check is activated, the delivery must either have passed the delivery value check or have been manually approved to enable issue reporting.

The picking list is used to list the material to pick for manufacturing or shipping orders (customer, requisition, and distribution and stock location movement orders).

Before you start

Ensure that an order is created, allocated and released for picking (picking status=40).

Follow these steps

Define entry templates

An entry template is a predefined set of fields available when the 'Picking List. Report' (MWS420/A) panel is opened. The template also defines where the cursor is positioned when the panel is opened.

  1. Open 'Picking List. Open Entry Template' (MWS425).
  2. Enter an ID for the template in the 'Entry template' field.
  3. Go to the E panel. The field headings displayed are the fields available on the A panel in (MWS420). Enter a value in the 'Used' field for every field heading.
  4. The 'Position' field indicates the position of the cursor when (MWS420/A) is opened or refreshed. This can only be set to 1='Yes' for one field in each entry template.

Dispatch of a known identity

  1. To begin with, it is optional to define some settings for the A panel. Open (MWS420). Go to A panel.
  2. Press F13='Settings' to open the P panel. Fill in the 'Entry template' field. If you leave this field blank, all available fields will be displayed on the A panel.
  3. In the 'Option' field, enter the option you want to be displayed by default on the A panel. The option can then be changed manually.
  4. Specify values in the 'Alias category', 'Propose weight', 'Wave line spec', 'Time format', and 'MO rpt options' fields.

Print picking list

  1. Open (MWS420). Go to the B panel.
  2. There are four sorting orders to choose from:
    • 1=Picking lists by picking list status, delivery number and suffix
    • 2=Cumulated by wave number (printing inactivated from this sorting order)
    • 3=Picking lists by a single delivery number
    • 4=Picking lists by a single shipment number. Select sorting order 1, 3 or 4.
  3. Print the appropriate picking list by selecting option 6='Print picking list'.

Move to packing location/docking location

  1. On the (MWS420/B) panel, use option 17='To pack location' to move the picked goods to a packing location.
  2. This opens 'Picking List. Report Lines' (MWS422/B), where you also use option 17='To pack location' and specify the packing location in the 'To location' field. Then press Enter.

    This will raise the picking status to 50='All lines reported as moved to pack location'.

    If a default packing location is defined in 'Item. Connect Warehouse' (MMS002), this location will be suggested in the 'To location' field on the (MWS422/B) panel. You can also press F4 and select another location within the appropriate warehouse.

  3. On the (MWS420/B) panel, use option 18='To dock location' to move the picked goods to a docking location.
  4. This opens 'Picking List. Report Lines' (MWS422/B), where you also use option 18='To dock location' and specify the docking location in the 'To location' field. Then press Enter.

    This will raise the picking status to 60='All lines reported as moved to dock location'.

    If a default docking location is defined in (MMS002), this location will be suggested in the 'To location' field on the (MWS422/B) panel. You can also press F4 and select another location within the appropriate warehouse.

  5. You can move the goods back to the default location (picking location) by using option 19='To default location'.

    This will lower the picking status to 40='Ready for reporting'.

Packing and performing packaging actions

Refer to Define Settings for Packing and How to Perform Packing.

Report picking perform a stock issue

To be able to make a stock issue (confirm a picking list), the picking status must be 40, 50 or 60. The settings in 'Dispatch Policy. Open' (MWS010) controls this. Refer to Basic Settings for Dispatch Handling.

  1. On the (MWS420/B) panel, you may confirm the entire picking list by using option 16='Confirm issues'.

    The sorting orders to select from are 1, 3, and 5 (sorting orders 2 and 4 are for wave picking and shipments).

  2. You can also confirm selected picking list lines by using option 11='Pick list lines' on the (MWS420/B) panel.
  3. This opens 'Picking List. Report Lines' (MWS422/B). Use option 16='Confirm issue for the selected line or lines'.
  4. You can also confirm the entire picking list here by using F16='Confirm all'.

    By confirming the complete picking list, the picking status will be raised to 90='All lines reported as issued from inventory'.

Report pick list with deviations

Pick deviation reporting occurs when a hard-allocated picking list line is reported with a deviating balance ID. Pick deviation can occur on a packed picking list line. Deallocation and reallocation occur when the picked balance ID is allocated by other demands. The deallocation continues until the allocatable inventory covers the reported quantity of the current picking list line. Pick deviation is allowed by setting the '170 Partial reporting' field in 'Dispatch Policy. Open' (MWS010). The alternatives below enable to pick deviation and control how deallocation is performed.

The valid alternatives for pick deviation are:

3 = Pick deviation by planning date and time

4 = Pick deviation by planning date and time when entered from (MWS422)

5 = Pick deviation by order priority, planning date and time

6 = Pick deviation by order priority, planning date and time when entered from (MWS422).

Pick deviation is usually reported with pick transactions API MHS850MI (Order initiated stock transaction interface) (example: AddPickViaRepNo).

When a deviating balance ID is picked with less quantity, completion flag can be activated to close and cancel the remaining allocation.

Furthermore, when picking less than the picking list line quantity and without the 'completion flag' (OEND), it is possible to control the quantity that should be moved to a new delivery, commonly called backorder, by using 'quantity picked' (QTYP) and quantity to be picked (QTYO) in API pick transactions in MHS850MI.

For example: a picking list line has a quantity 15. MHS850MI.AddPickViaRepNo is run with:
  • 'Quantity picked' (QTYP) = 3
  • 'Quantity to be picked' (QTYO) = 4
  • 'End flag' = 0

    A quantity of 3 will be picked, the picking list line remains open with a quantity of 11, quantity 1 is back-ordered.

Make picking corrections after picking list is reported

Picking corrections are performed for deliveries that are reported as picked. Customer orders (CO), Requisition orders (RO), and MO material return orders must be set to status 90='All lines issued'. Distribution orders (DO) must be set to status 70='All lines issued and in transit (not received)'.

  • Correct delivery with no packing or simple packing
    1. Use option 49='Picking corrections' on the (MWS420/B) panel. This opens 'Picking List. Adjust Reported Quantities' (MMS428).
    2. Change the reported quantity for the picking list line(s) and press F16='Confirm issue'. Package records are automatically updated when the pick quantity is updated from (MMS428).

      The 'Flagged as complete' field determines whether there will be a back order (and a new picking list created) for the remaining quantity.

    3. You can also adjust the physical inventory for the quantity specified by using option 18='Physical inv' in (MMS428).
  • Correct delivery with advanced packing
    1. Use option 49='Picking corrections' on the (MWS420/B) panel. This opens 'Picking List. Adjust Reported Quantities' (MMS428).
    2. Select the picking lines you want to correct, and use option 22='Package details'. This opens 'Package Detail. Open' (MMS473).
    3. On the header on the (MMS473/B) panel, you can display the quantity to be distributed (blue) per picking list line and the deviating quantity (red) per picking list line from (MMS428) and the quantity already distributed per package.
    4. Select detail lines to adjust (could be several lines in the same package) by using option 2='Change'. On the E panel, change the quantity in the 'Delivered quantity - basic U/M' field. Press Enter.
      Note:  The user is not allowed to exit (MMS473) until all of the deviating quantity has been distributed. This update affects both the outbound and inbound (if applicable) package records.
    5. Now, also change the picking list line(s) on the (MMS428/B) panel. Update the reported quantity by pressing F16='Confirm issue'.
    6. The 'Flagged as complete' field determines whether there will be a back order (and a new picking list created) for the remaining quantity.
    7. You can also adjust the physical inventory for the quantity specified by using option 18='Physical inv' in (MMS428).
  • Correct MO material return orders (order category 01= 'Material to manufacturing orders')
    1. Use option 49='Picking corrections' on the (MWS420/B) panel. This opens 'Picking List. Adjust Reported Quantities' (MMS428).
    2. Change the reported quantity for the picking list line(s).
    3. If you want to specify a location different to the picking location when returning unused materials from the shop floor, select option 21='MO material return'.
    4. This opens 'Picking List. Return Material' (MMS432/E). In the 'Reported quantity' field, enter the actual quantity returned, not the quantity actually used.
    5. The 'Flagged as complete' field determines whether there will be a back order (and a new picking list created) for the remaining quantity.
    6. Press 'Next'. (MMS428) is re displayed. A new line has been added. This is the return location and quantity, specified in (MMS432).
    7. Press F16='Confirm issue'. Package records are automatically updated when the pick quantity is updated from (MMS428).
    8. You can also adjust the physical inventory for the quantity specified by using option 18='Physical inv' in (MMS428).

Print delivery documents

  1. The progress status of the delivery must be set to 60='Fully reported' (only valid when delivery receipt confirmation is used) or 90='Closed receipt, fully reported'.
    Note:  Print delivery documents can be printed without confirming/reporting picking lists. This is only valid for shipments with '240 Packing reporting method' in (MWS010/G) set to 0='No packing' or 1='Simple manual packing'.

    The packing status must be 30='Packing completed'.

    The shipment status must be 50/50='Shipment packed complete, not reported'.

  2. Delivery documents are printed in 'Shipment. Open Toolbox ' (DRS100) and 'Delivery. Open Toolbox' (MWS410) using the option 15='Gen/print doc' and in 'Delivery. Connect Delivery Documents' (MWS260) using the option 29='Gen/print doc'.

    The default documents that can be connected to a delivery are:

    900 Delivery note

    902 CMR document

    904 Swedish CMR

    906 EUR1 – document

    910 Unit document

    922 Pro forma invoice

Delivery receipt confirmation

The M3 functionality of delivery receipt confirmation enables tracking of deliveries and packages after being issued from the warehouse. Delivery numbers or the highest level of an SSCC number can be used for delivery receipt confirmation.

This is used for customer orders (transaction type 31).

  1. To activate this function, open 'Dispatch Policy. Open' (MWS010) and activate the '350 Delivery receipt confirmation' field.

    When this function is activated, the delivery status will differ from the 'normal' one. Up to delivery status 50 this will be identical, but after that the following statuses will appear:

    • 60=Fully reported (only valid when delivery receipt confirmation is used)
    • 65=Partly received (only valid when delivery receipt confirmation is used)
    • 95=Closed receipt, not fully received (only valid when delivery receipt confirmation is used)
    • 90=Closed receipt, fully reported (this status is used for all dispatches)
      Note:  The delivery status for this confirmation function will be lowered from 95 to 90 when the goods receipt is fully completed.
  2. You can report this receipt confirmation by using option 41=’Confirm receipt’ and 42=’Close receipt’ in (MWS410).