Item Flow Create, Copy and Display

This document explains the extended functionality for create, copy, change and display items. This functionality is optional. Creating items can still be used as described in Create and Connect Item to a Warehouse Structure.

These are the features:

  • Better view, filter and search functionality
  • Display information from different files in the same views
  • Better work flow for item creation:
    • Auto creation of item number
    • Auto creation of item/warehouse
    • Auto creation of alias like EAN, UPC
    • Template item used as a template for creating item
    • Field control – what fields to be displayed
    • Support the 'buy to order' concept
    • Authority check on warehouse
  • Better work flow for item copy:
    • Copy item/warehouse
    • Copy item/facility
  • Item hierarchy


  • Better control when creating and copy items by use the settings in item type and use item template.
  • Auto creation for items and alias, used for large volumes.
  • Flow for fashion item creation
  • Better possibilities for display and search for items

These tables are updated:

  • Item type is stored in the MITTTY table.
  • Numbering rules are stored in the MITNUM table.
  • Items are stored in the MITMAS, MITMPR and MITMAD tables.
  • 'Item. Connect Alternate U/M' (MMS015) is stored in the MITUCV table.
  • 'Item. Define Relations' (MMS020) is stored in the MITALT table.
  • 'Item. Connect Alias Number' (MMS025) is stored in the MITPOP table.
  • 'Item. Enter Names/Language' (MMS030) is stored in the MITLAD table.
  • The style master is the MMODMA table.

Before you start

Follow these steps

  1. Settings

    Create an item numbering rule and connect it to an item type.

  2. Create Items

    These are the options for creating items:

    • Create Item - Number Manually. Forced Panel Sequence (EFGH)
    • Create Item - Number Manually. Item Values from Item Template and Item Type.
    • Create Item - Number from a Numbering Rule. Forced Panel Sequence (EFGH)
    • Create Item - Number from a Numbering Rule. Values from Item Template and Item type
    • Create Item - Fashion Flow (Style and SKUs)
  3. Copy Items

    Copy Item - Included all Data as below:

    • Items (MMS001)
    • 'Item. Connect Warehouse' (MMS002)
    • 'Item. Connect Facility' (MMS003)
    • 'Item. Connect Alias Number' (MMS0025)

    Copy Item – Select one, several or all of the Related Data:

    • Text in (MMS001)
    • Alternate Unit of Measure (MMS015)
    • Relations (MMS020)
    • Alias (MMS025)
    • Additional Information
  4. Managing Items

    Item Toolbox - the main program for search and display items