Catch Weight Update

This document describes how to update a catch weight measurement and view the impact of the change against the balance identity and stock transaction history.

If necessary, reference the document for an introduction to the functionality available to support the concept of catch weight.


Weight adjustment without change of the quantity.

Follow these steps

  1. Start 'Catch Weight Item. Update Weight' (MMS360).

  2. On the A panel populate the 'Warehouse', 'Item no', 'Lot no', 'Location' fields.

  3. On the E panel populate the 'Catch weight' field with the updated weight. Press Enter.

View result

View 'Balance Identity. Open Toolbox' (MWS068). The catch weight field has been updated with the new value. The on hand balance quantity is unchanged.

View 'Stock Transaction. Display History' (MWS070/B). A CWA-transaction has been generated with stock transaction type 95 (Catch weight adjustment, no quantity recorded) where the catch weight field has been adjusted but the quantity remains the same. The transaction quantity remains as 0 as no change was applied.