Linking Supply Orders

Manually connect lower level supply orders to a supply chain

'Supply Chain Policy. Open' (CRS709) settings:

  • Link existing orders = 1
  • Stop supply chain explosion = 1.

When manually connected supply orders are reused, for example, at a quantity change on a higher level, the available quantity is reused in the following order:

  1. Use available quantity on existing connected and released supply orders
  2. Reuse available quantity on existing connected supply order proposals
  3. If not enough exists, no quantity can be used.

This also means that the pre-allocated share between the proposal and the order might be different after a supply chain quantity change or regeneration.


  • CO entered for 100 pieces; 50 pre-allocated to a POP; 50 allocated to a PO
  • CO amended to 140
  • Pre-allocation subsequently changed to first take 100 from the PO and remaining 40 from POP.
CO Quantity PO Proposal PO
Quantity Pre-allocation Quantity Pre-allocation
Original 100 100 50 100 50
Changed 140 100 40 100 100

Automatically connect lowest level supply orders to a supply chain

'Supply Chain Policy. Open' (CRS709) settings:

  • Use existing orders = 2
  • Stop supply chain explosion = 1.

When a supply chain is changed, or regenerated, and you want to reuse a previously automatically connected supply order, the demand quantity is used in the following order:

  1. Reuse available quantity on existing connected and released supply orders
  2. Reuse available quantity on existing connected supply order proposals
  3. If available quantity is not enough, a search is carried out to find any free quantity available on an existing supply proposal or order. The order in which existing proposals and orders are automatically linked is controlled via the FIFO link parameter in (CRS709).

This also means that the pre-allocated share between the proposal and the order might be different after a supply chain quantity change or regeneration. See the previous section Manually connect lowest level supply orders to a supply chain.

Automatic late connection of a supply chain

'Supply Chain Policy. Open' (CRS709) settings:

  • Use existing orders = 2
  • Stop supply chain explosion = 1
  • Auto find supply chains = 1.

When releasing a lowest level supply order, or when confirming the delivery date of a PO (PPS250/260/270) with parameter ‘Auto find supply chains’=1, a search for existing non-connected supply chains is performed. All demands with a later planning date are examined and checked if they are already pre-allocated. If not, the supply order is connected to that supply chain.