MHS850MI Transaction AddCOPick

The transaction MHS850MI.AddCOPick picks, packs, and moves a picking list line for a customer order, using qualifier 31.

The required input data are:

  • Order line, delivery number and picking list suffix
  • Item, lot, container, location to pick from.

The picking list line must exist and must be hard or soft allocated.

The transactions 'move to pack' and 'move to dock' can be performed using the issue move mode (see Related topics).

The transactions 'short pick with backorder', 'partial pick', or 'short pick' can be performed using appropriately 'picked quantity', 'quantity to be picked', and 'completion flag' (see Related topics).

The difference between 'short pick' and 'short pick with backorder' is what you do with the remaining quantity.

If you, for example, should pick 10 items, but find only 9 to pick, 'short pick' means that you pick 9 and that is all. You do not plan to pick another one later, and therefore you close the line, and the customer will only receive 9 items.

On the other hand, 'short pick with backorder' means that you pick 9 and you move the one remaining item to a new delivery that you can pick later. The customer will receive 9 now, and one item later.

Packing is performed if an existing package number is provided. Alternatively, manual packing into a new package can be performed if a packaging is provided. In that case, the package number can be specified, if not, M3 BE will retrieve a number as per the packaging number rule.

The UTC mode can be activated where date and time provided is expressed in the UTC time zone, instead of location warehouse time.

Add additional allocation at movement

Additional allocation at move is activated by parameter 180 - 'Allow overissues' in program 'Dispatch Policy. Open' (MWS010) when set to 2 - 'Yes + additional allocation at movement'.

See Basic Settings for Dispatch Policy.

The new functionality is enabled during pick reporting of a move to pack or move to dock transaction, using MHS850MI AddCOPick or using MHS850MI transactions AddWhsHead, AddWhsPack, or AddWhsLine with the corresponding qualifier (31 for CO).

Example of how to report extra balance IDs

All your picking list lines must be in the same location and have picking status 50= 'All lines are reported as moved to the packing location'.

Use transaction MHS850MI.AddCOPick

  1. Point to an extra balance ID from stock to include in the picking list.
  2. Input the same 'To' location as on the picking list lines.
  3. Use issue move ISMD = 1 'Move to pack'.


All your picking list lines must be in the same location and have picking status 60= 'All lines are reported as moved to the docking location'.

Use transaction MHS850MI AddCOPick

  1. Point to an extra balance ID from stock to include in the picking list.
  2. Input the same 'To' location as on the picking list lines.
  3. Use issue move ISMD = 1 'Move to dock'.

If all of the above conditions are not met, a deviating balance ID is picked if it is allowed by the dispatch policy. Otherwise the transaction is stopped and the extra quantity is not added to the picking list.