About this Guide

Intended audience

M3 Business Engine User Documentation provides guidance for end users and consultants regarding understanding basic concepts and using key processes in M3 Business Engine. Further information about the available programs and functionality is available as field help texts.

Document structure

M3 Business Engine User Documentation is a task-oriented documentation, providing descriptions on performing specific procedures, defining settings, and running specific, step-by-step procedures. To some extent, this documentation set also contains conceptual documents, providing background information or describing requirements and how they are matched in M3 Business Engine.

The following table provides a brief overview of the most common sections that appears in this document.

Introduction Briefly describes what kind of information the document provides.
Outcome Describes the consequence of a process completed or a concept run.
Uses Explains how the results can be used.
How the system is affected Describes, if applicable, any changes that have been implemented in M3.
Before you start Describes the prerequisites of a process or a concept.
Parameters to set Lists all relevant parameters with a detailed explanation.
Description Describes, if applicable, the concept or the purpose of the concept and when and how it is run.
Outline Provides an overview (often as a flow chart) of the activities in the process.
Activity description Describes all the activities above and provides a summary of when, where and how to carry them out.
Follow these steps Describes, if applicable, how to carry out a settings instruction.
Related topics Lists other topics that contain relevant information.

More information

Information and help about accessing and using M3 Business Engine User Documentation is available as online help.

Access the help by clicking the question mark in the top right corner.

Related product information is available on Documentation Central and the Infor Support Portal.

  • You can find documentation posted to the product records on the Download Products page. Look here first for installation guides and release notes.
  • You can browse or search for product documentation on the Documentation page.

For questions, support or feedback, contact Infor Concierge.