Processing Rental-Operated Plant

Follow these steps to create a rental agreement header and line using (STS085):

  1. On 'WO Operation. Report Inspection Result' (MOS085/P), set the 'Structure type' and 'Service' field to 2-'Editable'.
  2. Open 'Rental Agreement. Create' (STS085). On panel E, specify values for customer site, agreement period, order type, facility, rental depot, item number, structure type, service, warehouse, line type, order quantity, and create agreement parameter (set to preliminary, quotation, or rental agreement).
  3. Set 'Line type' to 'O'.
    Note: 'Commit reservation' is not a valid field for line type 'O'.
  4. Press Enter to create the rental agreement header and line.

Planned work orders are created when the agreement is activated. For quantities over one item, the line is split when the agreement is activated.

Follow these steps to create a rental agreement line using (STS201):

  1. Open 'Rental Agreement. Open Lines' (STS201) after you have created a rental agreement header in 'Rental Agreement. Open' (STS100) or (STS085).
  2. Check availability for technicians using F18 to call 'Maintenance Scheduling Board. Open' (MOS199).
  3. On (STS201/B) set the line type to 'O' and specify values for warehouse, line type, item, order quantity, valid from, valid to, rate type, and shift.
  4. Click 'Add'.
  5. On (STS201/E), specify values for the structure type and service, and continue through the panel sequence specifying values in the relevant fields.
  6. When the agreement is activated, a planned work order is created.
  7. If you add a line of type 'O' on an active agreement, a message is displayed asking you to confirm that a planned work order should be created directly.

When a planned work order exists, the service is not editable. When a work order exists, the rental period is not editable. For quantities over one item, the line is split when the agreement is activated.

Follow these steps to process the rental lines in (STS140):

  1. Open 'Rental Logistics Toolbox. Open' (STS140).
  2. Select the agreement to work with. Line type must be 'O' and status 25, indicating that a work order exists.
  3. Use related option 40='Dispatch & return technician' to report the dispatch of the technician. The status changes to 50.
  4. Select the agreement to work with. Line type must be 'O' and status 50, indicating that the technician is dispatched.
  5. Use related option 40='Dispatch & return technician' to report the return of the technician. The status changes to 85.
  6. Use related option 41='Reverse dispatch & return technician' to reverse the dispatch or return the transactions.