Defining Rental-Operated Plant Process

In this document the rental-operated plant process is described. Using this process, you can rent a resource to operate an equipment, independent of if you are already renting an equipment or not.

The rented resource and rental equipment are invoiced on the same invoice. You can allocate resources based on skill, capacity, and location. You can also use both mobile and desktop-based reporting functionality. This process is similar to the equipment rental process.


The new line type 'O' is used for this process. Instead of using a distribution order to move equipment between the depot and on-hire, this process uses a work order to plan and allocate the rented resource, and for the resources to report back on. The connected WO must have start and stop date matching the rental period. You can search for available resources at the rental line entry. If you want to rent equipment and an operator, both line type '5' and 'O' must specified.


  • Parameter 197-'Manual override lead time method' on 'Work Order Type. Open' (MOS120/F) must be activated, to retain the start and stop dates according to the rental period. When activating parameter 197, the result will be the same as if the parameter 'MO lead time method' on 'Item. Connect Facility' (MMS003/F) is set to 0 for the equipment.
  • Activate parameter 375-'Update rental delivery dispatch and return tech' on (MOS120/H) to enable the first work order operation reporting to perform the dispatch of the technician. This is only done if the dispatch has not already been done in 'Rental Logistics Toolbox. Open' (STS140) using related option 40='Dispatch & return technician'.
  • Inactivate parameter 375-'Update rental delivery dispatch and return tech' on (MOS120/H) if the reporting should be done by the rental coordinator in (STS140).
  • We recommend that parameter 090-'Should WO be created for each work request' on (MOS120/E) is set to 3 -'Always create one work order for each request' to create one work order per work request.

Recommended basic data

  • A service definition must be defined in 'Service. Open' (MOS300) and 'Service. Connect to Facility' (MOS301) with the requested skills and other information.
  • The 'Scheduled service' field must be set to 0 so that the service is planned manually.
  • The service must have a work order type with the correct parameters set in (MOS120). Same procedure as for any manually planned service.
  • To have the prices set as default towards a line of type 'O', service prices can be connected to the rental price lists in 'Rental Rates. Enter Service Price' (STS127). This is done using related option 15='Service' in 'Rental Price List. Open' (STS017).
  • If the rental price list table is used, you can set the structure type and service as a higher priority if service prices and rental prices are not to be retrieved from the same price list. This is done in 'Rental Price List Selection Table. Open' (STS831) with the structure type and service set up as objects in 'Available Object Ctrl Parameters. Open' (CMS016) and 'Generic Object Control Table. Open' (CMS017).
  • If the price list functionality is not used, you can specify service prices manually in 'Rental Agreement. Open Lines' (STS201) for a line of type 'O'.
  • The item used on the entry panels in 'Rental Agreement. Create' (STS085) or (STS201) for a line of type 'O' could be any of the items defined to be used in the default rental process for equipment in 'Item. Open Service Supplement' (SOS001). You can specify serial numbers for items defined for this but it is not required. Non-stocked items can be used, and this enables a proposed service to be retrieved from the item master, for a quick line entry process.


  • If insurance is connected on customer or item in 'Customer Insurance by Product Grp. Open' (CRS683), this is not considered for the operator connected to this item.
  • You cannot do a mass update using 'Rental Agreement. Mass Update Rental Lines' (STS114) on a line of type 'O'.
  • Deposit will not be calculated for a line of type 'O'.
  • You cannot simulate a price for line type 'O' in (STS017).
  • Line type 'O' is not included in the simulation of totals on the agreement header in 'Rental Agreement. Simulate Totals' (STS105).
  • Additional charges cannot be connected to a line of type 'O'.
  • You cannot include a line of type 'O' in a package.
  • Actual WO hours cannot be used as base for invoicing.
  • You cannot create a line of type 'O' using the alias functionality.
  • You cannot update an activated line of type 'O' using STS201MI (Short term rental agreement line), transaction UpdRentalLine.


When searching for operator services, it can be useful to set up inquiries in 'Sorting Order in Browse Window. Open' (MNS180) to be used when prompting for service withing the rental programs (STS085) and (STS201). STS140MI (Rental Logistics Toolbox) can be used within a script in 'Work Schedule. Open Toolbox' (MOS195) for technicians who dispatch themselves.

Available functionality


(STS140) can dispatch and return technicians and reverse those transactions. New available statuses are 17-'Missing planned work order', 20-'Planned work order exists', 25-'Work order exists', and 50-'Technician dispatched'. You can dispatch a technician when the transaction has status 25.

Maintenance process:

The maintenance process is the same, and you can now use the order type parameter 375 to trigger an automatic dispatch and return of the technician for the first operation report and work order closing. This means that if MFS is in use, the dispatch is registered when the technician reports that travel started, and a return of technician is registered when the technician closes the assignment. This must be taken into consideration for the invoicing start and stop dates for the rental agreement. Parameter 197-'Override manual lead time method' in the work order type must be activated to overrule the (MMS003) setting for equipment lead time method. This means that work orders related to line type 'O' are handled as if equipment in (MMS003) has a manual lead time method, to retain the same start and stop date for the work order as what is specified for the rental period.


The address for where the equipment is located is retrieved from the rental agreement line and presented as a text block named 'STS201'. In the work order header, this text is connected for display using F6. This text is displayed on the work order document when printed.

Standard procedure:

The standard procedure is to specify an item number for the service as you would for a normal hire but without a serial number. You then connect the service to the related work order.

Related options:

In (STS201) you can create a planned work order manually using related option 53-'Create work request'. You can also go to the maintenance planning board using related option 54-'Employee allocation'.