Creating Package Structure

This document explains the process involved in creating a package structure.

A package structure consists of a package header and package lines. Package headers are connected to rental agreements when you create rental agreement lines.


A package structure is created.

You use the package structure to:

  • Create package headers
  • Define and create packages for rental items or pieces of equipment for a customer
  • Create package lines for rental items or pieces of equipment
  • Hold the package price, which is automatically distributed to the package lines, as defined in the package structure

The following tables are updated when you create a package structure:

  • Agreement Line Rental (STAGLI)
  • Agreement Head Rental (STAGHE)
  • Rental Package Structure Header (STPSHE)
  • Rental Package Structure Line (STPSLI)
  • Individual Item (SINDIV)

Before You Start

  • A service expense must exist in 'Service Expenses. Open for Task' (SOS408).
  • An individual item or piece of equipment must be defined in 'Individual Item. Open' (SOS419) and basic data for the individual item must be entered.

Follow These Steps

  1. Create Package Structure Header

    You can create a package structure header in 'Rental Package Structure. Open' (STS450).

    You create a package structure header for a package, which includes a range of serialized items or pieces of equipment under a single package price. Each package header contains the package price, which is automatically distributed to the package lines as defined in the package structure. The values entered in the package header will be defaulted on the rental agreement line when a package is added. When these values are modified on the rental agreement lines, the changes do not affect the package price.

    Note: A package can only be invoiced when it is fully delivered and the line status of the package header is 50='Rented'.
  2. Create Package Structure Lines

    You can create package lines in 'Rental Package. Open Line' (STS451).

    Package lines are used when you rent packages to customers, and contain information such as customer name, equipment ID, pricing details, warehouse, etc., for the equipment included in the packages.

    The package line created is ready to be connected to the rental agreement lines.

    • A package structure header will initially be created with status 10='Inactive'. When package lines are created, the status of the package header can be manually updated to status 20='Active' in 'Rental Package Structure. Open' (STS450).
    • When the quantity of a serialized item is greater than one, a package line is created for each item in 'Rental Package. Open Line' (STS451/B). However, the price factor is split between the package lines.