Credit and Stock Return for a Sales Line

This document describes how to manage a stock return and credit the return in a rental workflow.

You can credit a sales line fully or partly and at the same time return the item(s) to stock. Through 'Rental Agreement. Open Lines' (STS201) you manage both the credit and the stock return.

The credit adds a negative amount in (STS201) and then invoice the amount. The amount is the same as the quantity that should be returned to stock. For the stock return you select option 41 in (STS201) by right-clicking the line with the negative quantity. The program 'Stock Return. Confirm' (STS205) is displayed where the quantity is the same as the line negative quantity. The default location is retrieved from 'Item. Connect Warehouse' (MMS002) and the RO type stock return ('RO typ stk ret') is retrieved from 'Rental Agreement Order Type. Open' (STS020). If an item is lot controlled, lot number has to be added manually.


There is a need to change or redo a sales transaction from Rental. That is, if the customer returns the purchase or if the item is wrong you should be able to reverse the transaction. You can create a credit for the return and also make the stock transaction to put the item back into stock.


The solution does not support a connection back to the original invoice.


Credit and stock return for a sales line is a way of managing a stock return and credit the return in a rental workflow. You manage both the credit and the stock return through (STS201).

Follow these steps

  1. Enter a negative amount in (STS201) and then invoice that amount in order to create the credit. The amount is the same as the quantity that should be returned to stock.

  2. For the stock return, right-click the line with the negative quantity to select option 41.

  3. The program (STS205) is displayed where the quantity is the same as the line negative quantity and default location is retrieved from (MMS002). 'RO typ stk ret' is retrieved from (STS020). If the item is lot controlled the lot number has to be added manually.

  4. The field 'RO typ stk ret' in (STS020) indicates the requisition order (RO) type that will be used when returning stock from customer. The RO type must be a receipt.

Full credit

This workflow is valid for a manual stock return and crediting. The starting point is that a serialized item is not a desk item.

Full credit is to be used if you for instance have used the wrong serial number.

  1. Start 'Rental Invoice. Display/Credit' (STS350) and find the agreement number to be credited. Right-click and select 14='Credit'.

  2. Start 'Rental Invoice Proposal. Update' (STS810). Approve and invoice the credit by selecting 8='Approve Proposal' and 9='Invoice'. When using full credit the agreement will have status 40 again once the invoice is created. The equipment is not affected. The customer will be refunded the whole amount. When depreciation on the equipment is valid you use partial credit instead.

  3. Start 'Req/Distr Order. Open' (MMS100) and create an requisition order, RO, in order to make a stock return to an on-hire warehouse. If you create an RO manually the agreement will stay in status 40 which means it can be invoiced again.

  4. In order to reverse the receipt, create a manual RO as in step three. The RO is set to status 55.

  5. Deletion of a picking list is made through the delivery toolbox in (MMS100). The agreement is set to status 20.

  6. Start 'Equipment/Serialized Item. Open' (MMS240) and change it to status 20 manually.

  7. Start 'Individual Item. Open' (SOS419). The equipment status is automatically reset to 10 when doing the reverse receipt in (MMS100).

  8. Start 'Fixed Asset. Open' (FAS001). Select your fixed asset and display the voucher by selecting 8='Dsp voucher'. Select your voucher number and select 11='Reverse'. These steps reverse the voucher and reactivate the fixed asset that already exists. The fixed asset will go from status 9 to status 1.

Partial credit

Partial credit applies when the customer wants to return the equipment.

  1. Start (STS350). Credit the amount after depreciation, for example 17.000 instead of 22.000.

  2. Start (STS810) and follow the same procedure as in step 2 under Full credit.

  3. Start (MMS100) and create a requisition order (RO) in order to make a stock return to an on-hire warehouse. If you create an RO manually the agreement will stay in status 40 which means it can be invoiced again.

  4. Start (MMS240) and change status to 20 manually.

  5. Start (SOS419) and reset your equipment to status 10, this is done automatically when you make a reverse receipt in (MMS100).

  6. Start (FAS001). See step 6 under Full credit.


  1. Define order type, 'RO typ stk ret', in (STS020) for the stock return.

  2. Set goods receiving to be manual or automatic in 'Req/Distr Order Type. Open' (CRS200). This is defined by order type combined with next manual function.

Note: When you use automatic goods receiving the dispatch policy must have auto-level 5 in 'Dispatch Policy. Open' (MWS010).