Create a Rental Agreement using (STS085)

In this document it is explained how you create a rental agreement using 'Rental Agreement. Create' (STS085), which can be used instead of, or in combination with, 'Rental Agreement. Open' (STS100) and 'Rental Agreement. Open Lines' (STS201).

(STS085) is a program for quick creation of complete rental agreements - both agreement header and line, through a single screen entry.

Agreement lines can also be added to an existing agreement using (STS085).


A rental agreement header and agreement line are created in the same way as if it was done from (STS100) and (STS201) and the same tables are affected.

Before you start

  • Basic data for a rental agreement must have been specified in supporting programs, for example a rental agreement order type in 'Rental Agreement Order Type. Open' (STS020).
  • If the item is to be rented, it must exist and have the setting 'Available rent' activated in 'Item. Open Service Supplement' (SOS001).
  • To create rental agreement lines using packages, packages must exist with status 20-'Active' in 'Rental Package Structure. Open' (STS455). For more information, see Create Package Structure Header, Creating Package Structure, and Create Package Structure Lines.

Follow these steps

Follow these steps to create a rental agreement:

  1. Start (STS085), either directly or from associated programs.

    The fields displayed in (STS085) are controlled through settings on (STS201/P) which is opened using F13 on (STS085/E). Some fields can be hidden if not used. Only the most important fields are mentioned below.

  2. If a line should be added to an existing agreement, specify the agreement number and then proceed to step 10. Some of the fields (like order type, facility, and depot) are set to a default value retrieved from the existing agreement header, but can be changed.

    If a new agreement should be created, leave the agreement number blank and then proceed with the steps below.

  3. Specify a customer number in the 'Customer site' field. The customer is retrieved from 'Customer. Open' (CRS610).

    When creating a new agreement through (STS085) you cannot set a different agreement customer or payer. The payer can be adjusted afterward in (STS201) but not the agreement customer. If the agreement customer differs from the customer site on the agreement, the agreement must be created using (STS100) or you must use the 'Customer site' field to set the agreement customer and then adjust the site afterward using (STS201).

  4. Specify an address number for a specific customer site. This field can be used when the customer has several agreement sites. You enter address numbers in 'Customer. Connect Address' (OIS002).

    You can also differentiate this by using the 'Customer site' field in combination with customer site addresses.

    You can set a collection address if this differs from the delivery address.
    Note:  If the item is set up for container management in 'Item. Connect Warehouse' (MMS002) on the on-hire warehouse, the 'Customer site address' field on (STS201/E) is mandatory. Otherwise, the field should be left blank. This value is set as default, retrieved from the agreement header or the previous agreement line if such exists.
  5. Specify the period for which the agreement should be valid.
  6. Specify agreement order type and facility for the agreement.
  7. Specify rental depot for the agreement.

    The rental depot is a physical location that acts like a storehouse for a rental business. A rental depot is defined with a default warehouse from which rental items are delivered to the customer.

  8. Specify a reason code, item number and serial number, if applicable.
  9. If needed, specify the customer's order number. The customer's order number acts as a reference to the customer's own order number and is printed on external documents. The 'Customer order number' field is defined as mandatory through a parameter on (STS020/E).

    These are the available alternatives:

    *M = The customer's order number must be specified manually. No proposal is given.

    *CUS = The customer's order number is controlled by the 'Mandatory customer order number' parameter in the customer table. No proposal is given.

    xxx = Any order number can be specified, with a limit of 20 positions.

    Blank = No proposal is given.

    The field is made available using F13 in (STS085).

  10. If necessary, change the information in the 'Warehouse' field.

    The 'Warehouse' field indicates the warehouse from which the rental equipment is delivered. The preferred warehouse is defined from the rental depot and can be manually overwritten if necessary.

  11. Select a line type. The line type is set with a default value retrieved from the agreement order type. However, the line type can be edited for each line:

    1 = Sales line that generates a purchase order with delivery to the yard warehouse.

    2 = Sales line that generates a purchase order with delivery directly to the customer site.

    4 = Package lines generate the package price that is added to the rental agreement. If the line type is '4', the item identity is validated against the package structure header. Packages must be defined in 'Rental Package. Open Header' (STS455), to be used on a rental agreement.

    Rental line types 5, 7, and 8 are allowed as package lines.

    5 = Rental from stock (serialized and non-serialized items) that generates two distribution orders, one for delivery and one for return.

    6 = Sale from stock that generates a distribution order for delivery to the customer site.

    7 = X-hire line (cross-rental) that generates a purchase order with delivery to the yard warehouse and two distribution orders, one for delivery and one for return.

    8 = X-hire (cross-rental) line that generates a purchase order with delivery directly to the customer site and a distribution order for return to the customer.

    9 = Involuntary sales created from a rental line.

    L = Leasing line that generates two distribution orders, one for delivery and one for return. A leasing line has a curve connected to hold information about the price to be paid.

    O = To rent out a service or an operator.

  12. Specify the order quantity.

    If you create a temporary agreement or quotation for serialized items, you can specify a quantity higher than one. However, once the temporary agreement or quotation is converted to an active agreement, the quantity on the serialized line item is split up into separate lines with a quantity of one.

  13. Optionally, specify a 'Committed reservation'. The field indicates whether a specific entity should automatically be committed. An entity is a serialized item that is stocked or one that is from a purchase order line. If the check box is selected, the entity is committed. There can be only one committed reservation for the same entity.

    If the check box is not selected, a reservation is created for the entity. Multiple reservations can be made for the same entity.

  14. Specify a value for 'Crt agreement' selecting 0, 1, or 2. The field indicates whether the agreement should be a temporary agreement, a quotation agreement or a real agreement.

    If value 0 is selected, the agreement must later on be activated using F14 in (STS201).

  15. Specify to print quotation or agreement

    The 'Prt quot/agmnt' field indicates if documentation connected to the quotation/agreement should be printed immediately after the entry is completed. If the check box is not selected, it is possible to print the documentation later in 'Rental Agreement. Print Agreement Docs' (STS610).

  16. Press Enter to create a rental agreement header and a rental agreement line. If the specified item is an alias, panel K is displayed, initiated with the contents of the alias and with some values editable. Adjust if needed and then press Enter to confirm on the K panel and create the lines.
  17. When the agreement line has been created, you can open (STS201) using F14 from (STS085). This is if any edits are needed on the agreement line.

    You can also open 'Rental Logistics Toolbox. Open' (STS140) using F16 from (STS085).