Create Full Credit in Rental and Leasing

This document explains how you credit an entire rental invoice or a leasing invoice and then create a new corrective debit invoice.

This can be done when there were errors in the agreement on which the invoice was based.


A credit note is created for the entire original invoice. The text 'Credit Note' is printed on the header together with the original invoice number and date. The VAT summary box on the credit note contains VAT information for both the credit note and the original invoice.

A new corrective debit invoice might have been created after the credit note was processed. This invoice is based on the same agreement as the original invoice, but reflects the changes that were made in the agreement or in the basic data. This new debit invoice has no reference to the original invoice.

Also, an accounting journal and a customer invoice journal are printed for both the credit note and the new invoice.

When completing all listed steps, you can send the credit note and the new invoice to the customer or payer.

These updates are done in M3:

  • M3 Accounts Receivable and M3 General Ledger are updated.
  • The credit note proposal and the new debit invoice proposal are saved in the following tables: STAGPH/LTAGPH (header), STAGPL/LTAGPL (lines), and STAGHD/LTAGHD (line details). Once the proposals are approved, the information in these tables is deleted.
  • The approved credit note and new debit invoice are saved in these tables: STAGHH/LTAGHH (history table – header), STAGHL/LTGAHL (history table – lines), and STAGHD/LTAGHD (history table – line details).
  • The changes in the agreement are saved in these tables: STAGHE/LTAGHE (header) and STAGLI/LTAGLI (lines).
  • The connection between the original invoice and credit note is saved in the table STLINK/LTLINK (Link invoice and credit note).

Before you start

  • An original invoice must be transferred to M3 Accounts Receivable and M3 General Ledger.
  • The invoice must belong to the last invoice period related to the specific agreement.
  • If the invoice is a summary invoice, you must have identified all agreements included in the invoice. You do this in 'Rental Invoice. Display History' (STS351) for rental and 'Leasing Invoice. Display History' (LTS351) for leasing. If the invoice is a summary invoice, several agreements will be displayed for the invoice. You access the display program by selecting option 'Display history' for the invoice in (STS350) or (LTS350). The sorting order must be set to 1.
  • A separate voucher number must be created for each individual invoice, that is, the 'Separate voucher number' check box must be selected for the division in 'Settings – Service Order Invoicing' (CRS790/E).
  • A VAT summary box with information about both the original invoice and credit note is only printed on the credit note if TAX method 1 (VAT is used) is selected for the division in 'Company. Connect Division' (MNS100/G).
  • We recommend that VAT summary method 1 (Sum of the VAT for each order line) is selected for the division in 'Company. Connect Division' (MNS100/G).
Note: The steps described in this document might be carried out by different persons depending on the processes at the individual company.

Create a Credit Note Proposal

  1. Start 'Rental Invoice. Display/Credit' (STS350) for rental or 'Leasing Invoice. Display/Credit' (LTS350) for leasing.

  2. Select an appropriate sorting order and identify the incorrect invoice.

  3. Select the option Credit for the invoice.

  4. In 'Rental Invoice. Credit' (STS360/E) for rental or in the pop-up window that is displayed for leasing, specify credit type 1 (Full credit).

  5. Specify a reason for the credit and, if necessary, a description of why the credit note is created. Press Enter. Press F3.

Approve the Credit Note Proposal

  1. Start 'Rental Invoice Proposal. Update' (STS810/B) or 'Leasing Invoice Proposal. Open' (LTS810/B) and select the option 'Approve invoice' for the proposal.

  2. The credit note proposal will automatically receive a service order number. This number will be used when creating the credit note.

Create the Credit Note

  1. In (STS810/B) or (LTS810/B), select the option Invoice to create the credit note.

    You can also start 'SO Invoice. Print' (SOS180) directly from the menu.

  2. In 'SO Invoice. Print' (SOS180/E), review and, if necessary, adjust the invoice date and the accounting date.

  3. Ensure that the service order number refers to the credit note proposal. Press Enter.

Adjust Agreement

  1. If you need to adjust the agreement in order to create a correct new debit invoice, start 'Rental Agreement. Open' (STS100) or 'Leasing Agreement. Open' (LTR100). Otherwise, go to step 21 to create a new invoice proposal.

    This instruction is based on panel sequence BE1.

    Once the credit note is created, the invoice interval on the agreements has been set back to as it was when the original invoice was created. This enables you to create a new debit invoice for the same period.

    If the original invoice was a summary invoice, remember to adjust all agreements that needs to be adjusted before creating the new debit invoice.

  2. Select an appropriate sorting order and identify the agreement to which the original invoice referred.

  3. Select one of these alternatives:

    Options Follow these steps
    Adjust Agreement Header

    In (STS100/B) or (LTS100/B), select Change for the agreement.

    On the E panel, review, adjust or complement the information about the customer, currency and customer order number. Press Enter. Press F3.

    Adjust Agreement Lines

    In (STS100/B) or (LTS100/B), select the option Lines for the agreement.

    In 'Rental Agreement Lines. Open' (STS101) or 'Leasing Agreement Lines. Open' (LTS101), select Change.

    On panels E, F, G, H, I, and J, review, adjust and complement the information displayed such as validity dates, prices and discounts, delivery terms and account entries. Press Enter. Press F3.

    Create New Agreement Lines

    In (STS100/B) or (LTS100/B), select the option Lines for the agreement.

    In 'Rental Agreement Lines. Open' (STS101) or 'Leasing Agreement Lines. Open' (LTS101), specify the item and the quantity that the line refers to, and so on. Select Add.

    On panels E, F, G, H, I, and J, review, adjust and complement the information displayed, such as validity dated, prices and discounts, delivery terms, and account entries. Press Enter. Press F3.

Create and Approve New Invoice Proposal

  1. In (STS100/B) or (LTS100/B), select the option 'Create invoice proposal' for the agreement.

  2. Select the option 'Invoice proposal' for the agreement.

  3. In 'Rental Invoice Proposal. Update' (STS810) or 'Leasing Invoice Proposal. Open' (LTS810), select the option 'Approve proposal' for the invoice proposal. Press F3.

    The invoice proposal will automatically receive a service order number. This number will be used when creating the invoice.

  4. If the original invoice was a summary invoice, create and approve invoice proposals for all agreements included in the original invoice that should be included in the new debit invoice.

Create a New Debit Invoice

  1. In (STS810/B) or (LTS810/B), select the option Invoice to create the new debit invoice.

  2. In 'SO Invoice. Print' (SOS180/E), review and, if necessary, adjust the invoice date and the accounting date.

  3. Specify a range of service order numbers that includes all the invoice proposals. Press Enter.