Create Partial Credit in Rental and Leasing

This document explains how you credit part of an incorrect rental invoice or leasing invoice.

This can be done when the invoice contain errors such as an incorrect price.


A credit note or corrective credit invoice, is created for part of an original invoice. The text 'Credit Note' is printed on the header together with the original invoice number and date. Note that the VAT summary box will not contain information about the VAT on the original invoice.

Also, an accounting journal and a customer invoice journal are printed.

When completing all listed steps, you can send the credit note to the customer or payer.

These updates are done in M3:

  • M3 Accounts Receivable and M3 General Ledger are updated.
  • The credit note proposal is saved in these tables: STAGPH/LTAGPH (header), STAGPL/LTAGPL (lines), and STAGHD/LTAGHD (line details). When the proposal is released, the information in these tables is deleted.
  • When the credit note is released, it is saved in these tables: STAGHH/LTAGHH (history table – header), STAGHL/LTGAHL (history table – lines), and STAGHD/LTAGHD (history table – line details).
  • The connection between the original invoice and credit note is saved in table STLINK/LTLINK (Link invoice and credit note).

Before you start

An original invoice must be transferred to M3 Accounts Receivable and M3 General Ledger.

Note: Creating and approving the credit note proposal can be carried out by different persons, depending on the processes at the individual company.

Create a Credit Note Proposal

  1. Start 'Rental Invoice. Display/Credit' (STS350) for rental or 'Leasing Invoice. Display/Credit' (LTS350) for leasing.

  2. Select an appropriate sorting order and identify the incorrect invoice.

  3. Select the option Credit for the invoice.

  4. In 'Rental Invoice. Credit' (STS360/E) for rental or in the pop-up window that is displayed for leasing, specify credit type 0 (Partial credit).

  5. Specify a reason for the credit and, if necessary, a description of why the credit note is created. Press Enter. Press F3.

    A credit note proposal will be created that is identical to the original invoice with all signs reversed.

Adjust the Credit Note Proposal

  1. Start 'Rental Invoice Proposal. Update' (STS810) or 'Leasing Invoice Proposal. Open' (LTS810).

  2. Select a sorting order and identify the credit note proposal.

  3. Open the proposal lines by selecting option 'Proposal agreement lines' for the proposal.

  4. In 'Rental Invoice Proposal. Update Lines' (STS811) or 'Leasing Invoice Proposal. Update Lines' (LTS811), select the option 'Line details' for the line that you want to correct.

  5. In 'Rental Invoice Proposal. Update Line Details' (STS812/K) or 'Leasing Invoice Proposal. Update Line Details (LTS812/K), review the details and, if necessary, change the invoice period and the end date for which the agreement is valid.

    A change of the valid To date for the agreement is for informational purposes only.

    Note: You cannot change these fields if the line detail refers to a charge of some kind.
  6. Adjust the price if necessary. Press Enter.

    The price you specify will be the amount credited per item. Specify the difference between the incorrect invoiced price and the correct invoice price. If the line refers to several items, the total credited amount will be calculated automatically.

    Note: You cannot specify a price higher than that on the original invoice line.
  7. Review the details and, if necessary, adjust several line details. Press F3.

  8. Repeat the steps in 'Rental Invoice Proposal. Update Lines' (STS811) or 'Leasing Invoice Proposal. Update Lines' (LTS811) to adjust several lines. Press F3.

Approve the Credit Note Proposal

  1. In (STS810/B) or (LTS810/B), select the option 'Approve invoice' for the proposal.

    The credit note proposal will automatically receive a service order number. This number will be used when creating the credit note.

Create the Credit Note

  1. In (STS810/B) or (LTS810/B), select the option Invoice to create the credit note.

    You can also start 'SO Invoice. Print' (SOS180) directly from the menu.

  2. In 'SO Invoice. Print' (SOS180/E), review and, if necessary, change the invoice date and the accounting date.

  3. Ensure that the service order number refers to the credit note proposal. Press Enter.