Creating Work Orders from Rental Agreement Lines

Activating a rental agreement can automatically trigger the creation of a work request. To enable this, the rental agreement line must have an additional charge connected in 'Rental Agreement. Connect Additional Charge' (STS103) that has a service definition.

You can specify a service for additional charges in 'Contract Item. Open' (SAS450). Additional charges can be connected to the rental agreement line automatically by using 'Additional Charge. Connect to Item' (STS590).

Note: This process is not intended to manage turn-around service or off-hire inspection service.


It is sometimes necessary to perform work on the equipment in connection with a rental agreement. Examples of this are:

  • Preparation work to get the equipment in the correct condition for the rental, for instance installing a specially requested work tool.
  • Installation at the customer site.
  • Operating the equipment at the customer site.
  • Removing customized settings after a rental return.


This functionality only deals with the creation of the work request. It includes no changes to the work order processing or any added integration to the rental agreement line. This implies:

  • No special handling of work order cost accounting is implemented. The work order costing will not be connected to rental invoicing.
  • It is not possible to specify attribute values for the work request from the rental agreement line.
  • The work order can only refer to the rental agreement charge if it is not connected to a maintenance customer order (MCO). The work order still references the MCO if applicable.
  • No additional status or business logic is introduced in the rental logistics toolbox (STS140). The work order must be kept track of separately. You can, however, view the work order in the rental equipment planning board (STS495).

Work requests are created when an agreement line is activated. You cannot create a work order by adding an additional charge to an already active agreement line.


  • An active rental agreement is created.
  • A work request is created.

Follow these steps

Follow the configuration instructions to enable automatic creation of work orders on rental agreement activation.

  1. Start 'Rental Agreement. Open' (STS100) and create a rental agreement.
  2. Use option 11='Lines' to access 'Rental Agreement. Open Lines' (STS201) and create an agreement line with line type 5. Use an item number that is set up for automatic work order creation. The additional charge with the service ID will be created automatically. Use option 15='Addnl charges' to verify.
  3. In (STS201), select F14='Crt agreement'. 'Rental Agreement. Create' (STS109) is displayed. Set 'Crt agreement' to 2-'Active agreement'.

Configuration setup

  1. In 'Service. Open' (MOS300), define the service that should be used by the rental agreement work order.
  2. In (SAS450), create a contract item representing this service. Specify the 'Service ID' and 'Structure type' fields on (SAS450/E) and an agreement price, if applicable.
  3. In (STS590), connect the contract item to the rental equipment's item number.

Automatic update of item and serial number

'Planned order' (PLPN) on (STS103/E) holds the work order proposal number. 'Planned order' is filled when the work order proposal is created.

When a serial number is changed for a rental agreement line, a verification is made to determine if the rental agreement line has an additional charge, or several additional charges, with a reference to 'Planned order'. If a record with such a reference exists, the corresponding work order proposal in 'Work Request. Open' (MOS170) is updated with the new serial number.

When an item number is changed for a rental agreement line, a verification is made to determine if the rental agreement line has an additional charge, or several additional charges, with a reference to 'Planned order'. If a record with such a reference exists, the corresponding work order proposal in (MOS170) is deleted. A new work order proposal is then created if the new item has the correct configuration in (MOS300), (STS590) and (SAS450).

If the service connected to the original item in (STS103) is set up for the new item as well, this additional charge is used to create a new work order proposal. 'Planned order' in (STS103) is updated with the new work order proposal number.

If the service connected to the original item in (STS103) is not set up for the new item, a verification is made in (STS590) and (SAS450). If the new item is configured in (STS590) and (SAS450), a new additional charge is added to (STS103) and a new work order proposal is created based on this.

If the service connected to the original item in (STS103) is not set up for the new item and the new item is missing configurations in (STS590) and (SAS450), no new additional charge is added to (STS103) and therefore no new work order proposal is created either.

If you delete a rental agreement line that has an additional charge with a reference to 'Planned order', a verification is made in (MOS170) to determine if a connected work order proposal exists. If that is the case, the work order proposal is also deleted.

Parameters to set

Program ID Field Heading Description
SAS450/E Service id The service ID that should be used by the work order.
SAS450/E Structure type The structure type that should be used by the work order.
STS590/E Record type

Defines when the charge is invoiced. This also determines the start date of the work order.

1 = Debit first invoice: First valid date of rental agreement line

2 = Debit last invoice: Last valid date of rental agreement line

3 = Debit every invoice: First valid date of rental agreement line

4 = Debit date range: First valid date of additional charge