Project Type

The project types are specified in 'Project Type. Open' (POS010) and are used to group and control several settings that regulates how a project should behave and how it should be followed up. You can define order numbering for projects and quotations, define a price method, define what steps to perform manually or automatically during the start of a project, and other settings.

Explanation of the project type settings in (POS010)

Internal CO account:

This parameter controls if 'Cost of goods sold' (COGS) should be recorded for customer orders. If this check box is selected when you print the final project invoice, accounting event OI20 is triggered with type 951-'Delivered not invoiced' and 971-'Cost of sold goods', for customer order deliveries in status 68-'Not to invoice' .

You must connect the CO to a customer order element, such as an activity, and you must later connect it to the final invoice, to update the 'Cost of goods sold' field. This is done in 'Project Invoice. Update Line' (POS481) on the line on the final invoice. Browse to find the correct customer orders that previously have been connected to the custom order activity in the project structure.

Check budget officer:

This parameter controls if a budget officer must be specified on budget and forecast lines.

Log budget changes:

This parameter decides if budget changes should be logged.

Update sales statistics:

This parameter indicates whether to update the sales statistics.

It also decides if revenue should be generated from all invoices or only partial and final invoices.


  • 0 = No
  • 1 = Yes, for final invoicing and on-account invoicing
  • 2 = Yes, for advance, partial, and on-account invoicing

If alternative 1 is selected, only final invoices and on-account invoices update the sales statistics since these are the only invoices that are accounted as revenue on accounting rule PO20-120. When you print a partial invoice or an advance invoice, they are accounted as an unpaid advance on accounting rule PO20-125. Since these do not generate any revenue, the sales statistics is not updated. When you receive a payment for this partial or advance invoice in 'Payment Received. Record' (ARS110), the AR30 accounting event will re-account this received amount into paid invoices. The line amounts that are subtracted from the final invoice, generate PO20-126-'Paid advances' when the final invoice is printed. When the final invoice is printed, the paid advances are debited and instead you get credit on the revenue on the PO20-120 account.

If alternative 2 is selected, advance, partial and on-account invoices generate income transactions in the general ledger on accounting rule PO20-120 and update the sales statistics.

Update order received statistics:

This parameter decides if the orders received statistics for project orders are updated.

Order received statistics are updated in these instances:

  1. A project invoice is created, changed, or deleted.
  2. A project invoice line is created, changed, or deleted.

If the project has not started when the invoice is created, the order received statistics are updated when the project starts. The sales statistics is to be created in the 'Order sales statistics' OSASTD table. The invoice header is updated with the setting of the project order type when it is created in 'Project Invoice. Update' (POS480) and indicated on panel F.

This functionality is only valid for these invoice types:

  • 0 = On-account invoices
  • 3 = Final invoice
  • 4 = Adjustment invoice

The 'Upd order rec' field is only displayed on (POS480/F) for these invoice types.

You can also update the invoice header and statistics after the invoices have been created using 'Order Received Stats. Re-create' (OSS990). If the 'Update order received statistics' parameter in (POS010) has changed, (OSS990) can be used to update the invoice headers in (OSS993) when re-creating the statistics. (OSS990) must be run in a blank or central division.

Price method:

The parameter 'Price method' (PRMT) decides how the price of a material line is retrieved.

  1. The cost price of the item is used and if this is missing the purchase price of the item is used instead.
  2. The purchase price of the item is used and if this is missing the cost price of the item is used instead.

Price method 1-'Cost', vs. 2-'Purchase price':

The parameter 'Pricing method' (PRMT) in (POS010) decides what price is picked up for items in a generated material budget in 'Material Budget Line. Open' (POS291).

To retrieve the cost price from 'Item. Connect Facility' (MMS003), you must have a warehouse defined on the header or element level in the quote or project. This is valid for material budgets generated from material templates.

When you retrieve the purchase price, the price is retrieved from 'Purchase Agreement. Open' (PPS101), if a purchase price exists in a valid purchase agreement.

Otherwise, the purchase price is retrieved from 'Item. Open' (MMS001).

Note: If the price selected according to the price method is not found, the other available price is retrieved to (POS291), independent of which pricing method is defined in (POS010).

Cost price is retrieved by calling function program POS915 (Generate Material Budget) from (POS291). This is done to retrieve the cost price using function program CRRTVCOS (Retrieve cost) when generating material lines from a product structure or product configuration, using F14='Gen struct/cfg', and when generating material from a material template using F15='Gen mtrl templ'.

The purchase price is retrieved by calling function program PPS106 (Retrieve purchase price and discounts) from (POS291).

When you specify a planned purchase order by connecting it to a purchase activity in 'Project. Connect Planned PO' (POS130), the price is retrieved with F15=Get price' on the E panel. This function uses the same functionality as described above. It is the setting on the project order type that decides what price is retrieved for the item for the connected purchase activity.

Service project element:

When creating a project type for maintenance customer order projects (MCO), this is the project template used when creating a new project from an MCO line or a service assignment. It should only consist of a main project element. Create a project template to use as 'Service project element' template in 'Project Template. Open' (POS093). Set up the template to consist of only a root element, category set to 'Main project', and 'Reporting level' set to 0 on (POS100/E1).

Forecast type:

The forecast type controls how 'Estimate at completion' (EAC) is calculated. This value is used for earned value analysis and has no connection with project forecasts.


  1. EAC is calculated as the highest of budget and outcome.
  2. Earned Value based. EAC is calculated as the sum of actual outcome and work remaining.

    EAC = ACWP + (BAC - BCWPcum)

  3. Extended. EAC is calculated as in alternative 2 but modified with a performance factor (PF).

    EAC = ACWP + (PF) * (BAC - BCWPcum) PF is defined as ACWP / BCWP. A historical cost overrun will therefore lead to a higher EAC.

Service project template:

This field has historically been used in the integration between service order project (SOS and SAS) and project orders. Leave the field blank when you set up a project type to be used in MCO projects and defined on the MCO type.

Labor code - trade statistics (TST):

The field indicates labor code and is used to distinguish between different types of transactions that are reported in the trade statistics. The code specified here is optional.

For exports, you specify the labor code for each customer order type. It can then be changed for an individual customer order or order line. For imports, you specify the code in 'Purchase Order Type. Open' (PPS095), parameter '400 EU origin code trade transaction'. It then acts as a default value in each PO line.

Business type - trade statistics (TST):

The field indicates different types of trade transactions in the trade statistics, for example, Intrastat or Extrastat reports. You can use this code in different ways depending on your country.

For exports, specify the code for each order type. It can then be changed for individual orders or order lines. For imported purchases, specify the code in (PPS095), parameter '400 EU origin code trade transaction'. This code is then used as the default value for each PO line.

Number series

Project series:

The field indicates which number series is to be used for the order type.

Number series T is used by the system for processing temporary customer order for batch entry through EDI. It should, therefore, not be used for other orders.

Project number prefix:

The field indicates a prefix which is set in front of the project order number. The prefix can be used to differentiate different types of projects.

Number of characters in project number:

The field indicates how many characters a project number can contain in addition to an optional prefix. A maximum of seven characters can be used for the project number.

Invoice series:

The field indicates the number series for invoice numbers that is connected to the order type. During invoice printout, the next invoice number is obtained from this number series.

If joint invoicing of several orders is to be made, they must be connected to the same invoice series through the order type.

Internal invoice series:

The field indicates the number series for internal invoice numbers connected to the order type. When internal invoices are printed, the next invoice number is obtained from this number series.

Entry of projects

Automatic copying of project template:

Select the check box to copy the selected project template without using 'Project. Copy' (POS103). If you select the check box, the project entry sequence is affected.

When creating the project, the 'Auto copy templ' parameter in (POS010) decides if the whole template should be copied automatically when creating the project, or if (POS103) should be presented to the user. If 'Auto copy templ' is selected, you can still modify the project structure after the project has been created. This parameter also decides if copying of the template should be done in (POS900) or in (POS920).

Automatic confirm of copied projects:

Select the check box to automatically confirm the copied project template during project entry. The selected alternative affects if function key F15='Cfm copied lns' is used or not.

Automatic confirm of copied elements:

Select the check box to automatically confirm the copied elements when projects are supplemented with elements.

The selected alternative affects if function key F15='Cfm copied lns' is used.

Automatic opening of project:

Select the check box to open the project automatically when it is created. The selected alternative affects the project status, which is either set to 05 or 10 when a project is created .

Automatic start of project:

Select the check box to start the project automatically when created.

The chosen alternative affects the project status, which is set to either 05 or 10 as for ‘Automatic opening of project', or set to 20 when the project is created. When it is created, a locked zero budget is created to allow actuals for the project.

Automatic start of activity:

Select the check box to automatically start activities when the project is created. The selected alternative affects the activity status, which is either set to 10 or 20 when a project is created. The 'Automatic start of project' field must be set to 1.

Automatic entry of projects and time reporting (TAS):

When a project is created, which includes project elements with TAC reporting activated, a TAC project in 'TAC Project. Open' (TAS001) is created. Depending on the project status upon time of creation, the connected activities in 'TAC Project. Connect Activities' (TAS003) can also be automatically created.

On the project order type (POS010), parameters 'Auto open proj', 'Auto start proj', and 'Auto start act' controls the automation level in (TAS001) and (TAS003). If a project is created and set to status 20, the connected activities are automatically created directly in (TAS003). Otherwise, they are connected when the status is raised to 20 manually on the activated element for TAC reporting.

Periodic budget information

Periodic budget:

This parameter decides if periodic budget with accruals is to be used. This means that the outcome is created per period (accruals). If it is selected you must use periodic budget and set up periodic accounting curves. Which accrual accounting template to use is set up on 'Project Budget Item. Open' (POS035/F).

The template itself is defined in 'Accrual Account Templ. Open' (POS037) and connected to a budget type in 'Accrual Account Templ. Connect Budg Type' (POS038). The budget type is defined with forecast curves, the accrual curves in 'Project Budget Type. Open' (POS039), and the curves in 'Period Accounting Curve. Open' (CRS450). If the periodic budget check box is selected you must use periodic budget and set up periodic accounting curves.

Budget distribution type:

The field indicates how the budget and the forecast should be distributed. This field is only relevant if periodic budget is active for the project type.


  1. Distribution is done across working days according to specified distribution curves. Amounts allocated to working days are then reallocated to corresponding budget periods. There is no restriction to the number of intervals per distribution curve. So it is not necessary to have the same number of intervals as the number of budget periods.
  2. Distribution is done per period according to specified distribution curves. If, for example, the first interval in the distribution curve has 10%, then exactly 10% is distributed to the first period in the budget. For this distribution type, it is required that there are the same number of intervals in the distribution curves as there are number of periods in the budget and forecast.

Distribution of decimals:

Select the check box if budget or forecast totals should be distributed on decimal level. This field is only relevant if periodic budget is active for the project type.

Budget or forecast totals containing non-zero decimals are always distributed on decimal level, regardless of the setting of this field. For example, 1000.19 is always distributed on the decimal level.