Correcting Invoices for Project Orders

This document explains how you create a credit note and a possible new debit invoice based on an original incorrect project invoice created in 'Project Invoice. Update' (POS480).

A project invoice usually needs to be corrected when the amounts, charges, VAT code, or VAT registration numbers on the original invoice are incorrect.

Note: You can only possible to credit an entire invoice, not just parts of it.


A credit note is created for the entire original invoice with a reference to the original invoice number, together with VAT information for the credit note and for the original invoice.

A new invoice might be created based on the original invoice, but with no reference to it.

An accounting journal and a customer invoice journal are also printed.

Send the credit note and, if applicable, the new invoice to the customer or payer.

You can later review the invoice history in 'Project Invoice. Display' (POS350). By selecting options you can access the following programs:

  • 'Project Invoice History. Display' (POS485), where all invoice activities included in the invoice are displayed.
  • 'Credit Invoice. Display' (OIS357), where the credit note that refers to the invoice is displayed (if a credit note exists).

Another way to review the invoice history is by project in 'Project Invoice. Update' (POS480). If an invoice activity has been corrected, it is marked in a different color on the B panel. By using an option for the marked invoice activity you access (POS485), where all the invoices (and credit notes) that refer to the activity are displayed.

  • If a new invoice is created, it receives invoice status 'Transferred to GL and AR' and M3 Accounts Receivable and M3 General Ledger are updated.
  • The header of the credit note and new invoice is saved in the BPINHE table, whereas the lines are saved in the BPINLN table. (The copy for the invoice history is saved in the BPINHI (head) and BPINLC (line) tables.)
  • Any charges are saved in the BPCHRG table. (The copy for the invoice history is saved in the BPCHRC table.)
  • If there is an aggregated invoice line, the details for the different lines are stored in the BPINDE table. (The copy for the invoice history is saved in the BPINDH table.)

Before you start

  • An original invoice must be transferred to M3 General Ledger (invoice status 80).
  • Tax method 1 (VAT is used) must be selected for the division in 'Company. Connect Division' (MNS100/G).
  • The incorrect summary invoice cannot be a credit invoice or an original invoice from which a credit note has already been created.
  • The incorrect invoice cannot be a pro forma invoice (invoice type 05).
  • If the incorrect original invoice is
    • an advance or a partial invoice (invoice type 01 or 02), the final invoice cannot yet be ready for invoicing (invoice status less than 60).
    • an on account invoice, partial invoice, or adjustment invoice, the project cannot yet be completed (project status less than 60).
    • an advance invoice, the project cannot yet have been started (project status more or equal to 20).
    • a final invoice or an on account invoice, the project cannot yet have been closed (project status more or equal to 80)
    • a final invoice or an on account invoice, the project cannot yet have been closed (project status more or equal to 80).
  • If the incorrect original invoice was a summary invoice and some of the invoice lines does not meet the requirements in the bullet above, these lines will not be included in the credit note

Follow these steps

  1. Check if the Invoice is a Summary Invoice

    You must first identify whether the incorrect invoice is a summary invoice, since this affects how the correction is made.

    You do this in 'Project Invoice. Display History' (POS485). Start 'Project Invoice. Display' (POS350) and select the option 'Display Invoice History' to reach (POS485). The program displays all invoice activities (by project number and project element) that are included in an invoice.

    The invoice is a summary invoice if it contains more than one invoice activity. The invoice is not a summary invoice if it contains only one invoice activity.

  2. Identify All Invoice Activities

    If the invoice is a summary invoice, you must manually write down all invoice activities displayed in (POS485) that are included in the summary invoice.

    By doing so, you know which invoice activities might need to be adjusted. Later in the process when the credit note is created, you must also manually raise the status for all included invoice activities before you can create a new invoice.

  3. Create Corrective Invoice

    The invoice is corrected in three steps:

    • You credit the entire invoice in 'Project Invoice Credit. Print' (POS492).
    • You adjust the invoice activity, and thereby create a new debit invoice proposal. The invoice activity that you process will be an identical copy of the original invoice activity.
    • You release the invoice proposal and create a new invoice.

    How this is done practically partly depends on whether the invoice is a summary invoice.