Material Issue Method
The Issue method field indicates when and how material issues to work orders and manufacturing orders are reported. This table shows the different issue methods:
Alternative | Description |
1 | Material is issued against a picking list according to the allocation method used. Note that this method should be used if the item is order initiated. |
2 | Material is issued against a requisition and reported manually. |
3 | Material is issued automatically based on the quantity reported as put away. The issue is always made from the location entered per item/warehouse. |
4 | Material is issued automatically based on the quantity reported as produced in the operation where it is used. The issue is always made from the location entered per item/warehouse. |
5 | Material is issued automatically based on the quantity reported as put away. The issue is made from the location entered in the work center for the operation to which the material is connected. |
6 | Material is issued automatically based on the quantity that is reported as produced in the operation where it is used. The issue is made from the location specified in the work center for the operation to which the material is connected. |
7 | This option is set to exclude the issue of the bulk item for child process or pack orders in 'Manufact Order. Report Issue' (PMS060). |
8 | Material is reported in one manufacturing order and issued to the next order by an external manufacturing execution system. |
9 | Material is issued automatically by an external manufacturing execution system. |
0 | Material issue method 0 may be used for non-stocked items for work orders in 'Work Order. Reschedule' (MOS010). The material transaction status is set to 90 as soon as the transaction is made. |
Issue methods 3 - 6 issue material without an availability check. This means that there can be a negative on-hand balance if the issued quantity is greater than the on-hand balance.
When you use method 5 or 6, the work centers to which the material is connected must be set as item location issues in 'Work Center. Open' (PDS010/F). Otherwise, the issue method will automatically be reset to 3 or 4 for created manufacturing orders.
Also note that you should always use issue method 1 for attribute-managed items with attributes that affect the allocation. The other methods will not take the requested attribute values into account at the issue. Methods 8 and 9 allow automatic issuing based on transactions and calculations in an external system through M3 APIs. The external system can retrieve the issue quantity using PMS055API when needed.
Methods 8 and 9 work as method 2 when standard M3 functionality is used.
Catch weight backflush
The new parameter 'Catch weight backflush' has been added to 'Product. Connect Materials/Operations' (PDS002/E) and 'Manufact Order. Open Lines' (PMS101/E) (Component details). The field is only visible if the product is a catch weight item. If the field is activated, the received catch weight is considered when calculating issue quantity and weight in the backflush routine.
There are two scenarios which handle the received catch weight differently:
The component marked as "Catch weight backflush" is not a catch weight material
Issued quantity is equal to the received catch weight plus extra issue for scrap and waste
- Consumption caused by scrap is calculated based on the received quantity.
- Consumption caused by waste is calculated based on the total used quantity.
A product with basic unit "Box", catch weight unit kg. 1 Box = 2 kg
The product structure has material with catch weight backflush, quantity 2 kg with 5% waste.
The operation the material is connected to have 5% scrap
A manufacturing order is reported, 500 Boxes received, Catch weight 1005 kg. The backflushed quantity will be: Manufactured quantity, including scrap = 500/0,95= 526 boxes
Issued quantity due to scrap = (527 - 500) * 2 = 53 kg
Issued quantity, excluding waste = 1005 + 53 = 1058 kg
Total backflush quantity, including waste = 1058 * 1,05 = 1111 kg
The component marked as "Catch weight backflush" is a catch weight material
Issued quantity follow the normal backflush logic.
Issued catch weight is controlled by the received catch weight, that is the difference between received catch weight and the calculated received catch weight is added to the calculated issued catch weight.
Calculated received catch weight (CCW) = Received quantity * catch weight conversion factor Received catch weight (RCW) = Reported weight in the receiving transaction. Deviating catch weight (DCW) = RCW - CCW
Example 1 - Product catch weight u/m = material catch weight u/m
A product with basic unit "BOX", catch weight unit kg. 1 Box = 10 kg
A material with basic unit "PCE", catch weight unit kg. 1 PCE = 2 kg
The product structure has material with catch weight backflush, quantity 2 PCE
A manufacturing order is reported, 10 Boxes received, Catch weight 110 kg. The backflushed quantity will be:
Manufactured quantity = 10 boxes, Catch weight 110 kg
DCW = 10 kg (110 - 100)
Issued quantity = 10 * 2 = 20 PCE
Issued catch weight = (20 * 2) + 10 = 50 kg
Example 2 - Product catch weight u/m <> material catch weight u/m
In this scenario we need to convert the received catch weight to the material catch weight. For the material the product catch weight u/m needs to be added as an alternate u/m.
A product with basic unit "BOX", catch weight unit kg. 1 Box = 10 kg
A material with basic unit "PCE", catch weight unit hg. 1 PCE = 20 hg, alternate unit kg, 1 PCE 2 kg
The product structure has material with catch weight backflush, quantity 2 PCE
A manufacturing order is reported, 10 Boxes received, Catch weight 110 kg.
The backflushed quantity will be:
Manufactured quantity = 10 boxes, Catch weight 110 kg
DCW = 10 kg (110 - 100)
DCW in material catch weight u/m = 10 / 2 = 5 (DCW in basic u/m), 5 * 20 = 100 hg
Issued quantity = 10 * 2 = 20 PCE
Issued catch weight = (20 * 20) + 100 = 50 hg
Limitations catch weight backflush
- The material engineering unit of measure must be the same as the products catch weight unit of measure.
- Only one piece of material in the product structure can have catch weight backflush active.
- Catch weight backflush can only be used for issue methods 3 and 5, that is issues based on manufacturing order receipt.
Aggregated backflush
In a manufacturing environment where manufacturing orders (MO) quantity is high and the MOs are reported frequently, a lot of stock transactions can be created. This happens when the MO has a lot of backflush material. One stock transaction for each material line is created every time the MO is reported (operation and stock receipt). This makes the stock transaction history grow very quickly.
To reduce the number of stock transactions, you can report aggregated backflush issues instead of separate issues. To get aggregated backflush, the 'Aggregated backflush' parameter in 'Manufacturing Order. Open' (PMS100) must be activated. If this parameter is activated, all backflush issues are accumulated per issue method until the backflush issue is started.
- 0 - Detailed backflush, each transaction creates separate backflush issues.
- 1 - Aggregated backflush, each transaction is summed up and the backflush issues are created periodically. Periodic issues are performed by running 'Manufact Order. Activate Backflush Issue' (PMS998).
- 2 - Aggregated backflush and automatic MO close. Same as option 1, but when the MO is finished, marked, and all operations are reported, all pending, aggregated backflush are activated.
Even if 'Aggregated backflush' is selected, you can still have a detailed specific material line per MO transaction. To do so, you must enable the 'Detailed backflush' parameter in (PMS101). This parameter is visible only for the orders where 'Aggregated backflush' value is 1 or 2.
If 'Detailed backflush' is selected for a material line, the backflush issues are done per reported MO transaction, in (PMS998).
In (PMS998) it is possible to include either all pending backflush issues or only aggregated backflush. To select only aggregated backflush, specify 'Aggregated' before submitting the job. The system maintenance run issues always all pending backflush transactions.