Connect Disturbance Types to Work Center

This document explains how to connect a disturbance type (i.e. machine failure, power outage, etc.) to a work center.

Disturbance types are user defined and have the purpose of reporting the reason for any interruption in operations in a work center.


You can connect one or more disturbance types to a work center.

Before you start

The process can be started when this prerequisite is met:

  • Disturbance types are entered in 'Disturbance Type. Open' (PDS044).

Follow These Steps

  1. Start 'Work Center. Connect Disturbance Types' (PDS038).

  2. On the B1 panel:

    1. Enter the desired facility and work center in the respective fields.

    2. In the Disturbance type (Dtp) column, right-click to open the browse window and select one of the pre-defined values.

  3. Select the Create option.

  4. On the E panel, enter the description for the newly created work center-disturbance type connection in the Text field.

  5. Click Next to save.