Create Attribute Model

This document explains how you create an attribute model. An attribute model is used to group attributes that are used to describe similar items.


An attribute model with corresponding lines has been created. Each line consists of an attribute. For example, attributes such as Sugar Content, Skin Quality and Grape Type can be grouped together in a Wine Grape attribute model.

The attribute model is connected to the item master file to give the item a predefined set of attributes, which are used in all cases when a new balance identity or order is created.

The attribute model is connected to an item in 'Item. Open' (MMS001). Since the model is connected to the item master file, the same model will be used regardless of the warehouse/facility.

The following files are updated:

  • The attribute model header (MAMOHE)
  • The attribute model lines (MAMOLI)
  • The attribute model descriptions (MAMODS) if you connect language-dependent descriptions to the model.

Before you start

Attributes that should be connected to the model must have been created in 'Attribute. Open' (ATS010).

Follow These Steps

Create Attribute Model

  1. Start 'Attribute Model. Open' (ATS050).

  2. Set the panel sequence.

    This instruction is based on panel sequence E12.

  3. Enter the identity of the attribute model on the B panel. Click New.

    The ID can be alphanumeric and up to 10 positions long.

  4. On the E panel, enter a description (required) and a name.

    You can add an optional comment on the model by pressing F6 on the E panel.

Connect Attributes to Model

  1. In 'Attribute Model. Connect Attributes' (ATS051/B), enter a sequence number and ID for the attribute that you want to connect to the model.

    On the P panel, you can set the sequence to be used when new lines are created. The sequence number will then be automatically generated.

    Press F4 to display the existing attributes.

  2. On the E panel, specify a default value to use for the model line (optional).

  3. Specify whether the line should be included in CO/PO/MO/DO/WO or MC. Where an attribute is dynamically calculated, a subset of these options is available for selection.

  4. Specify whether the model line should be used as a main attribute by giving it a number (1-5).

  5. Specify whether the model line should be used as an allocation attribute.

  6. Specify whether the model line should be used as a statistics key attribute by giving it a number (1-5).

  7. Define the appearance of printouts by filling in the printing information fields (optional).

    You can add an optional comment on the model line by pressing F6 on the E panel.

  8. Repeat steps 5-11 for each attribute that you want to connect to the model. Press F3 to continue to 'Attribute Model. Enter Names/Language' (ATS053/B).

Enter Names/Language (Optional)

  1. In 'Attribute Model. Enter Names/Language' (ATS053/B), enter the language for which you want to create a language-dependent description. Click New.

  2. On the E panel, enter a description (required) and name. Press Enter to return to the B panel.

    You can add an optional comment to the description by pressing F6 on the E panel.

  3. Repeat steps 13-14 for each language-dependent description that you want to create. Press F3.

Parameters to Set

Program ID/Panel Field The field indicates …
(ATS051/B) Display main attributes only …whether only attributes coded as main attributes are displayed. This parameter is used only as a filter.
Attribute sequence number …the order in which attributes should be displayed during entry and display.
(ATS051/E) Default value …the attribute value defaulted when new attribute records are created. This default value is overridden if there are any standard values for the attribute. This parameter is only valid for attributes of categories 1 (alphanumerical) or 2 (numerical).
Include model line in CO/PO/MO/DO/WO/MC

…whether the attribute on the model line should be included when customer, project, manufacturing, distribution, work or maintenance customer orders are created.

This is used only to select the attributes displayed when a corresponding order is created.

Main attribute …whether the model line is a main attribute. A model can have up to five main attributes, each one with a different number (1-5). The main attribute should be used for the most important attributes per model and only these attributes can be directly displayed in views, internal accounting, etc.
Allocation attribute

…whether the attribute model is defaulted as an allocation attribute during order entry. This can be overridden from the order line.

Only the attributes coded as allocation attributes are used to select an appropriate balance identity for allocation.

Order statistic accumulator …whether the model line is used as an order statistics key attribute. A model can have up to five key attributes, each one with a different number (1-5). Only statistics key attributes can be used as keys in order statistics (OSS functions).
Control Printing of Model Line Information
ATS051/E Print information …the information from the attribute value that should be included in printouts. Attribute information can be printed on external order documents and internal manufacturing order documents.
Print attribute Information …the information from the attribute itself that should be included in the printout.
Print on new line …whether the information should be printed on the same line or start on a new line.
Print separator …the separator used between attributes and the values connected to them on a printout. The separator can be a blank space, a comma, a function-specific character, etc. and is used to improve the readability of the printed text
Print separator prefix/suffix …the separator used between different attributes on a printout. The prefix/suffix is printed before/after a new block of attributes/attribute values. The separator can be a blank space, a comma, etc.
(ATS053/B) Language …the language in which you want to create a language- dependent description of the model. One or several descriptions can be entered. These are used in the language set by the user when printing external documents for customers or suppliers. If you do not use this function, the description in (ATS050) will be used regardless of the language selected by the user.