Purchasing a Component for Component Exchange with Supplier

This document explains how to manage a component exchange agreement with a supplier.


You have defined an agreement with a supplier where you buy a component from the supplier and in exchange return a core.

A Core is defined as a component or subassembly such as an engine, gearbox, or fuel pump that can be rebuilt or remanufactured and is often available as part of a dealer exchange program.

The core entitlement table (MITCEN) is updated and can be viewed in 'Core Entitlement. Open Toolbox' (MWS090).

A Core Entitlement is created between customer A and supplier X, when A purchases a product from X and where the product sales price includes a core charge. A then undertakes to return the core to X in order to receive the core refund.

Before you start

Settings must be defined as specified in and Defining Settings for Component Exchange with Supplier in Core Management Process.

Follow these steps

  1. Create Exchange Purchase Order for Purchase of Component:

    You create an exchange purchase order in 'Purchase Order. Open' (PPS200) with category 20 (Normal purchase order) and you add a purchase order line in 'Purchase Order. Open Line' (PPS201). When you buy an attribute-controlled item, a pop-up window is displayed with the available attributes. Select the attribute Remanufactured. A record in the core tracking table (CORETR) with the return date is created based on defined core terms.

  2. Receive Goods with Attribute Remanufactured:

    Depending on the settings that you have created, the goods are either received in'Goods Receipt. Open' (PPS300) or in 'Quality Inspection. Open' (PPS310). An attribute for remanufactured component is selected if that is not yet set on the purchase order line.

  3. Invoice Received from Supplier for Invoice Matching:

    Account entries for exchange purchase orders are created and the account for purchased remanufactured components is updated with the cost.

  4. Create Account Entries:

    Accounting transactions are generated.