Managing Agreements with Suppliers
This document explains how you create, print, cancel, and update an agreement with a supplier.
A purchase agreement is created and printed as a valid agreement. Also, you can cancel a valid agreement. A canceled agreement becomes an old agreement, which can then be updated and created as a different agreement.
You can use the purchase agreement in planned purchase orders and in purchase orders.
How the System Is Affected
These files are updated:
- Purchase Agreement Header (MPAGRH)
- Purchase Agreement Line (MPAGRL)
- Purchase Agreement Prices (MPAGRP)
- Purchase Agreement Types (MPAGRT)
- Purchase Order Header (MPHEAD)
- Purchase Order Line (MPLINE)
- Planned Purchase Orders (MPOPLP)
Before you start
The parameters in Define Settings for Agreements must be defined.
Follow These Steps
Create a Purchase Agreement
Create a purchase agreement when appropriate quantities such as price, yearly requirements, and delivery times are agreed upon with the supplier.
A purchase agreement can be created manually from 'Purchase Agreements. Open' (PPS100) and defaulted to a purchase order when an order is placed with a supplier.
An agreement can consist of lines, and the lines can represent agreements on special items or groups of items. The prices can be volume-based, which means that a price list can be registered for the item.
An agreement can also be created manually or automatically from a quotation. When a purchase quotation is approved, it can be copied to an agreement from 'Purchase Agreement. Create fr Quotation' (PPS150) or by selecting option 32 in 'Request for Quotation. Open' (PPS130).
Print a Purchase Agreement
You can print a purchase agreement for physical references. Use option 6 = Print Documents in 'Purchase Agreements. Open' (PPS100/B).You can also print the purchase agreement from 'Purchase Agreement. Print Documents' (PPS530/E) by raising the status to 30.
An agreement report, displaying data from the agreement lines, can be printed from 'Purchase Agreement. Print Report' (PPS535/E).
Cancel a Purchase Agreement
You can cancel a purchase agreement when the agreement expires and you no longer need it. You can manually cancel a purchase agreement by changing the status to 90 in 'Purchase Agreements. Open' (PPS100/B).
Update a Purchase Agreement
You can update a specific agreement with new data. Depending on your choice, you can generate new agreement lines on an existing agreement or create a new agreement in ‘Purchase Agreement. Mass Update’ (PPS125).