Pricing - Purchasing

Pricing for purchasing refers to a set of rules regulating price proposals when planned purchase order are created and purchase orders are entered.

These rules are based on the following:

  • The price is retrieved from an agreement in 'Purchase Agreement. Open' (PPS100). If there is more than one valid price in the agreement, then the price with the nearest From date is proposed. Agreements are selected in priority order using the agreement priority field per agreement header.
  • The price is retrieved from the combination Item/Supplier entered in 'Supplier. Connect Item' (PPS040).
  • The price is retrieved from the item master 'Item. Open' (MMS001). Note that the supplier number is not checked.

The price date used is controlled through the date code from the supplier master.

If the purchase order is in a foreign currency, the price from the item master is recalculated to reflect the price in the currency of the purchase order.

Note that the price in a PO can be overridden with a price text code in the order line when the PO is printed. This code can refer to different texts. This means that a price can be specified on the order as a target price for invoice control or as a base when conducting order overviews.